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Work ability and health

Keep up to date on your personnel's wellbeing and work ability. When you contemplate in advance what kind of insurance cover your personnel needs, you can focus on your company's core business. Also take care of your own work ability and insurance cover. With voluntary insurance you can secure your own finances and the financial position of your company and increase your personnel's engagement.


Keep up to date on your personnel's wellbeing and work ability. When you contemplate in advance what kind of insurance cover your personnel needs, you can focus on your company's core business. Also take care of your own work ability and insurance cover.

Occupational healthcare

We believe in preventive occupational healthcare. Ensure that your occupational healthcare partner supports you company in work ability management. You can supplement statutory occupational healthcare with our voluntary personal insurance policies.

Quick return to work

Diverse illnesses and injuries can reduce work ability significantly and permanently. Our insurance solutions ensure quick access to treatment. With our voluntary personal insurance options, you can extend your personnel's cover to illnesses and leisure time accidents.

Swift access to treatment facilitates recovery and return to work. To ensure a seamless clinical pathway and quick return to work, we recommend that you always seek treatment directly from our partner physicians.

Entrepreneur's health and work stress management

An entrepreneur's own wellbeing is often overridden by business matters. Long workdays drain your resources, and business-related stress burdens the mind. Do not overestimate your capacity and underestimate your need for insurance.

Our self-employed persons' accident insurance is designed for entrepreneurs and self-employed persons excluded from statutory workers' compensation insurance cover. The insurance also covers occupational diseases. Check that your confirmed annual earned income under the Self-Employed Persons' Pensions' Act (YEL) is at an adequate level.

Nainen on huoleton ja juo kahvia, terveysturva.
Health Insurance
With medical expenses insurance, you secure high-quality treatment and an efficient clinical pathway for your personnel, and also shorten absence due to illness.
Nainen hymyilee turvanaan yrittäjän sairausvakuutus.
Entrepreneurs’ health insurance
Covers entrepreneurs against illness and injury
Nainen selaa tietokonetta hymyillen, sillä hänellä on työtapaturmavakuutus turvanaan.
Workers’ compensation insurance
Covers your employees in the event of accidents that happen at work or on the way to or from work as well as occupational diseases.