Change of ownership in a farm business

Are you planning to transfer your farm to the next generation?

When the time comes to change your farm’s ownership, we help you find answers to important questions

In practice, a change in the ownership of a farm often means transferring the farm to the next generation. Since there are many aspects involved, careful planning helps.

How will you finance the sale of the farm operation, and what documents are required for a change of ownership?

Your OP cooperative bank will help you determine the necessary financing: how will you finance the sale of the farm and your farm’s future plans in a sustainable way? Your OP cooperative bank can also assist you in drafting the deed of sale and its terms. 

What will your life look like after the farm is transferred to the next generation?

A transfer of a farm to the next generation can also influence those who live on the farm in the future. It's also advisable to consider in advance if your living arrangements will change after the change of ownership.

When a farm operation is transferred to a new owner, it’s also important to secure the retiring farmer’s livelihood.

Your OP cooperative bank can help you transfer your farm to the next generation

A generational transfer should be planned carefully, and your OP cooperative bank can help you in the planning. Contact us when you feel the time is right to begin plans to transfer your farm to the next generation.

Let us help you find the right answer to your farm’s biggest decisions

We can help you decide the right time and price to sell your farm. If necessary, our network of experts can help you with taxation-related questions if you are planning to transfer your farm as a gift, for example.