Poikien kädet

OP is actively involved in rural cooperation

OP collaborates with various agricultural parties.

OP Financial Group MTK/SLC member benefits for 2019

To receive OP Financial Group benefits, the customer must be an OP Co-operative Bank owner-customer and prove their membership with an MTK or SLC membership card.

1. Kultaturva insurance in the event of serious illness
MTK and SLC members and their family members receive a discount of 15% off on the first year of Critical Illness Insurance premiums, provided that the insurance has been taken out in 2018 or 2019. The insurance is granted by OP partner AXA.

2. Real Estate Agency Services
MTK and SLC members receive a discount of 250 euros on standard OP-Kiinteistökeskus commissions inclusive of VAT (excluding minimum commissions).

3. WebWakka benefit
MTK and SLC members receive a discount of approximately 40% off on the WebWakka accounting software user fee for the initial 12 months when purchasing via an OP Co-operative Bank. WebWakka is provided by Mtech Digital Solutions (formerly Maatalouden laskentakeskus). The discount applies to new WebWakka customers (excluding family members or members of the same farm enterprise), and is valid until 31 December 2019. Discount prices as of 1 January 2019, VAT 0%:

  • WebWakka €97.80 (normally €163)
  • WebWakka Pro €142.80 (normally €238)

In addition, WebWakka customers receive approximately 40% off on the first year of the following applications:

  • WebWisu €70.80 (normally €118)
  • MobiWisu €39.00 (normally €65)
  • WisuEnnuste €30.00 (normally €50)
  • Minun Maatilani, milk production (Ammu) €144.00 (normally €240)
  • Minun Maatilani, meat production (Pihvi) €144.00 (normally €240)

Special offer for generational transfers (applies to farms with a contract of sale signed on/after 1 January 2019):

  • WebWakka first 12 months free-of-charge (you save €163)
  • WebWakkaPro first 12 months free-of-charge (you save €238)

Generational transfer discount on other applications:

  • WebWisu 6 months free-of-charge (you save €59.00)
  • Minun Maatilani milk production (Ammu), 6 months free-of-charge (you save €120.00)

4. Other benefits
OP Co-operative Bank owner-customers receive an OP bonus from banking and insurance transactions and are entitled to discounts on many banking and insurance services. OP bonuses are used to pay banking service charges and insurance premiums, as well as OP-Kiinteistökeskus real estate commissions.

Ajokortti työelämään - Job skills project

Ajokortti työelämään is a joint project by OP and the Finnish 4G Organisation that aims to support young people in the transition to working life.

In the project, local OP Co-operative Banks and 4H associations team up to organise job skills courses for ages 13 and up. The courses provide young people with tools to help with applying for work and guidance in the rules of working life. The courses also aim to enhance understanding of financial matters and reinforce teens’ independence in managing personal finances.

OP Co-operative Banks take part in holding the courses each year all round Finland. During the courses, OP Co-operative Banks lecture on the planning of personal finances and talk about the bank as a workplace.

Forest Quiz

The Forest Quiz is a nationwide competition for secondary school students. OP rewards the best students of each region with a monetary prize.