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The barrier of one million unitholders broken

Mutual funds have continued to gain increasing popularity in the early part of the year. The number of new mutual fund unitholders increased by 35,000. OP has currently over one million mutual fund unitholders.

Investing through funds is easy and pays off. Many customers actually start with the easy Saver’s funds. We also offer, for example, a range of equity funds, index funds and responsible investment funds.

Our most popular funds

  • OP-Moderate
  • OP-Conservative
  • OP-Brave

We already have more than 340,000 customers who invest in Saver’s funds.

Finnish origin and real property appeal to investors

Our most popular funds invested in are:

  • OP-Finland Fund
  • OP-Rental Yield (special common fund)

Responsible investment and cost-effective are of interest

Both our index funds and responsible investment funds are among our most popular funds. By mid-February, subscriptions for these funds increased by more than 30%, year on year. Our most popular index and responsible investment funds are:

  • OP-Climate
  • OP-World Index
  • OP-America Index

In 2020, over 85% of mutual fund units bought took place in our digital channels, on the op.fi service and OP-mobile.

Please note that as our owner-customer, you can buy, sell and switch the majority of our funds with no separate charges. 

Read more about our funds