Pohjola Sairaalan asiakaspalvelupiste Tampereella

Pohjola Hospital to offer its personnel’s contribution to fighting the coronavirus pandemic

Pohjola Hospital owned by Pohjola Insurance will give its personnel’s contribution in public healthcare tasks that are critical to society during the corona crisis. The first employees will start their temporary work already within the next few days and will help, for example, in tracking the chains of transmission. Pohjola Hospital will pay the personnel’s salaries during the time of the temporary work.

The corona pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges to the healthcare sector, and staff of hospitals are under severe pressure.

At the same time, the number of accidents has decreased significantly during the exceptional circumstances. This is due, for example, to the fact that sports activities have been restricted and the number of occupational accidents has decreased as a result of remote work. The number of customer visits to Pohjola Hospitals has fallen by around 50 per cent.

“OP Financial Group wants to bear the responsibility in this situation too and support critical healthcare functions. The business environment of the private healthcare sector has changed rapidly and now we are offering the contribution by some 50–100 Pohjola Hospital employees working under contract to perform tasks that are necessary for solving the corona crisis”, says Olli Lehtilä, Chair of the Pohjola Hospital Board of Directors and EVP and CEO of Pohjola Insurance.

“We have had discussion on offering help and its need in good cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and hospitals. We are currently assessing where the help is needed the most, and we aim to target our help to those in need. For example, tracking the chains of exposure of those infected requires more resources and some of our personnel will start performing these tasks already within the next few days. Our staff is highly motivated and committed to helping in this difficult situation”, says Markus Torkki, Managing Director of Pohjola Hospital.