Yield Plus

Talleta turvallisesti tilille ja tutustu samalla helposti osakemaailmaan

High-yield Plus Account is an intriguing alternative to a term deposit.

  • Guaranteed interest is always paid into the account plus a supplementary interest provided that the equity basket tied to the lot performs favourably. Your capital in the account is protected but you will have an opportunity for a higher return.
  • The guaranteed interest paid into the account ensures that your deposit can only increase even if no supplementary interest is earned.
  • The account is a safe product in unstable market conditions too.
  • The account is available on the market periodically. The amount of deposit interest and supplementary interest varies by lot.
  • The deposit is a single deposit made for a fixed term according to the lot concerned.

Funds in the High-yield Plus Account generate OP bonuses. Learn more under the section ‘Owner-customer benefits and OP bonuses through banking services’!

Tuottoplussaa myydään eräkohtaisesti. Talletukselle maksetaan eräkohtaista kiinteää takuukorkoa koko talletusajalta ja lisäkorkoa, mikäli tilin myyntihetkellä ilmoitetut ehdot ovat täyttyneet.

Takuukorko maksetaan sovitulle tilille vuosittain ja talletuksen eräpäivänä. Lisäkorko maksetaan talletuksen erääntymisen yhteydessä, mikäli lisäkoron ehdot täyttyvät.

Tilin varat korkoineen siirtyvät sovitulle tilille Tuottopluserän eräpäivänä.

Pääoma ja talletuskorko kuuluvat talletussuojan piiriin laissa säädettyyn rajaan asti. OP Ryhmään kuuluvia pankkeja pidetään talletussuojan näkökulmasta yhtenä pankkina. Talletussuoja ei koske mahdollista lisäkorkoa.

As an OP cooperative bank owner-customer, you get OP bonuses that decrease your banking and insurance service charges. As an OP cooperative bank owner-customer, you get 40% more OP bonuses compared to the normal level of 2022. We will continue the familiar benefit until the end of 2025.

OP bonuses come from

  • funds in savings accounts
  • home loans, student loans and secured bank loans
  • mutual fund units and unit-linked insurance
  • paid insurance premiums, such as home and motor vehicle insurance and continuous travel insurance.

OP bonuses are tax-free. Because of that they are automatically used for loan service and origination fees and insurance premiums, among other things.

Read more about OP bonuses

As an owner-customer, you also get significant benefits and discounts. For example, you will get daily banking services without monthly charges until the end of 2025 and interest on your Current Account. Furthermore, you'll enjoy lower saving and investing costs than usual.

See all owner-customer benefits