Maksuliikkeen API-ratkaisulla hyödyt reaaliaikaisesta maksamisesta.

Discover the benefits of real-time payments with OP Corporate Banking APIs

Our API solution enables companies to establish a secure, real-time connection between their apps and the bank, as well as mandating their service providers and software vendors to manage their payment transfers.

The payment transfer APIs enable companies to initiate payments and retrieve account data directly from their systems in a modern fashion. OP Corporate Banking APIs are a growing family of products for the needs of companies’ real-time machine-readable payment transfers.

The APIs are based on machine identification and JSON-format data and are easy to integrate into bank connection software as well as enterprise resource planning systems and other essential operational systems. Corporate customers using OP Corporate Banking APIs are identified by machine, using MTLS certificates and OAuth credentials.

The interface descriptions for OP’s API products are available on the OP Developer website. The interface descriptions also include instructions for sandbox testing. You can recognise our corporate payment transfer API products by their OP Corporate name.

Learn more about our API solutions

Mandating a service provider through payment transfer APIs

Our corporate customers can also mandate their service providers and administrators to manage their payment transfers through API solutions. By registering as a service provider in OP API Admin, your company gains access to service provider APIs, which make the management of mandates and customer payment transfers easier than ever.

Learn more about service provider mandates for OP Corporate Bank APIs >