Kortin uusiminen

Kortin päivittäminen on helppoa. Voit sujuvoittaa arkeasi uudenlaisella kortilla, vaihtaa nykyiseen korttiisi värin tai lisätä K-Plussa-ominaisuuden.

When you order a new OP-Visa Debit card, you can choose an image for your card from among these options.

Card design options for OP-Visa Debit (in Finnish)

In case you wish to change a new image for your existing card

You can change a new image for your card and we will deliver the card when you renew the card again. The front side of your card shows the next time your card will be renewed.

Changing the image is free of charge also when you include the K-Plussa feature in your card. If you want to change the image during the card's validity and do not include the K-Plussa feature in it, the change is subject to a charge based on our list of service charges and fees.

Change a new image for your card

In case you wish to apply for a new card with an image of your choice

You can also apply for a new card with an image of your choice. Please fill in a card application via the link below.