OP Financial Group's donations

Our mission is to promote the sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing of our owner-customers and operating region. We've been building Finnish society and a sustainable future for more than 120 years, and our work continues.

OP Financial Group makes annual donations to charity at the national and local levels. The OP cooperative banks are responsible for the local donation partnerships. The amount of funds donated is decided separately each year, and we never expect anything in return for our charitable donations.

The donations are part of OP Financial Group's work for a better tomorrow. We make donations to help non-profit organisations solve problems in society. It is also essential that the recipients of donations operate responsibly and in line with sustainable values. Our donations support activities such as hobbies for children and young people, promoting the wellbeing and diversity of nature, promoting the wellbeing of our local communities, supporting the management of personal finances and improving financial literacy.

In 2023, we donated to organisations such as:

- the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation and the Foundation's Taloustaito financial literacy project
- Save the Children Finland and the Eväitä Elämälle programme
- SOS Children's Villages Finland and the Unelmista totta hobby programme
- MIELI Mental Health Finland
- Finnish Paralympic Committee and the Maailman arvokkain pelipaita campaign
- John Nurminen Foundation and their work for the Baltic Sea
- Maanpuolustuksen tuki ry
- Rajamme Vartijat Foundation

Read more about OP Financial Group’s corporate responsibility programme

We do not support religious or party political activities or organisations through our donations, or contribute to the electoral campaigns of individual candidates.

Donation application

You can submit a donation application for OP Cooperative's national donation activities by filling in the donation application below. We process the received applications twice a year.