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Supplier criteria

OP has defined six supplier criteria which will be evaluated in competitive tendering and during long-term supplier cooperation. Supplier evaluation based on common criteria enables a transparent supplier selection process.

Supplier criteria in OP Financial Group's procurement

1. Business and strategy

The supplier's strategy, priorities and development targets meet OP's needs. The supplier's profitability is solid and, with respect to OP's projects, the company is capable of sufficient risk management.

2. Expertise and delivery reliability

The supplier's expertise, processes, data security and customer service meet OP's needs. The supplier informs key references and competitors in areas in which it plans to co-operate with OP.

3. Quality and development

The supplier is committed to continuous improvement. It measures its performance and reports on the results and improvement measures. The supplier adheres to standards and certificates to meet OP's needs.

4. Total cost of ownership (TCO)

The supplier's competitiveness in proportion to price, quality, amount of work and innovation as well as the transparency and flexibility of its cost structure meet OP's requirements.

5. Cooperation

The supplier considers OP a key customer and this is shown in the smoothness of cooperation and in the various roles assigned to customer relationship management. The supplier is committed to negotiations with OP and actively seeks a win-win outcome.

6. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

The supplier has a CSR policy which it implements in all of its operations.

7. External workforce background checks

OP Financial Group performs the following external workforce background checks or some of them: drug screening test, credit history check and the security clearance carried out by the Finnish Security Intelligence Service. In addition, a non-disclosure agreement is to be signed in respect of secret information and material possessed by the client. 

In addition to the Code of Conduct, OP Financial Group also has other supplier requirements concerning purchases (certain IT equipment should be certified according to TCO Certified): these concern the purchase of separately specified products or services, and agreeing on compliance with the requirements is a part of the supply agreement concluded with the supplier.