Every home needs insurance

Home insurance is necessary, whether you rent or reside in your own flat or house.

Do you live in a block of flats, terraced house or semi-detached home?

When you live in a condominium, you can insure your own possessions as well as the fixed machines and structures in your home. Insurance reimburses, for example, the damage incurred by the sudden leak of a dishwasher as well as possible damage caused by a thunderstorm. Home insurance also covers the accidental death of a family pet.

It is also worthwhile to check that your housing corporation's insurance policies are adequate and up-to-date. Housing corporations arrange their own insurance for buildings and related outbuildings along with the joint courtyard area.

Protect your detached house already during the construction stage

By insuring your detached house and leisure home, you ensure that sudden damage does not result in financial ruin.  With insurance, you protect not only the main house and your possessions inside it but also the small buildings, structures and garden, for instance, within your courtyard.

For a house or leisure home under planning, it is a good idea to take care of the insurance required before the construction work actually begins. You can also take out insurance for a house package or turnkey house delivery.

If you hire a construction firm to build your home, make sure they have liability insurance coverage.

Also insure those working on the building site

If you are building your own house, remember that any outside hired labour such as carpenters and painters should be protected by the statutory accident and pension insurance.   To take out all such statutory insurance policies, just contact us at OP Insurance Ltd.

When people turn up to help you build your home, you may not know what kind of insurance they have. Take care to make sure that all who help you out are covered for any accidental injuries both during work parties and all related transportation.

Family members should be protected against possible accidents and illness by taking out health and income insurance for each one of them.

If you arrange a loan to build your home, we recommend that you also take out a life insurance policy. When calculating the size of your life insurance policy, you should consider any loans you have, how you plan to finance building your home, and how much work you intend to put in yourself.

Home insurance always includes general liability and legal expenses insurance

Home insurance also includes general liability and legal expenses insurance policies. General liability insurance covers damage that you or another family member causes to others by your own actions.

Legal expenses insurance covers legal expenses incurred by the insured due to a disputed civil case, criminal case or non-contentious civil case concerning the private life of the insured.