
Frequently asked questions

Deferment month - Flexible Consumer Credit, Special Consumer Credit and OP Tailored Consumer Credit

You can get one deferment month per year for Flexible Consumer Credit, Special Consumer Credit and OP Tailored Consumer Credit. During this month, you will not make a repayment or pay interest. The deferment month is free of charge. The deferment period is the same calendar month every year. You can’t apply for a longer repayment holiday for these loans.

Apply for a grace period for Flexible Consumer Credit

Apply for a grace period for Special Consumer Credit

You can apply for a grace period for OP Tailored Consumer Credit by calling the OP Tailored Consumer Credit Customer Service, tel. +358 10 252 7450, Mon–Fri 8.00–16.30.

Changing the due date and the loan's monthly repayment – How can I change my loan's repayment plan?

  • Secured loans, such as home loans, study loans and bank loans: Log in at and apply for the change.
  • Unsecured loans, such as Flexible Consumer Credit and Special Consumer Credit: A customer that has logged in at can make the changes without an application.
  • Unsecured OP Tailored Consumer Credit: To make changes to the repayment plan, please call OP Tailored Consumer Credit Customer Service, tel. 010 252 7450, Mon–Fri 8.00–16.30. The cost of calls: The charge is the same as for normal local calls or domestic mobile call charge as specified in your telephone service provider's price list.

See here for more detailed instructions for making a change in the repayment plan >


Good to know about changing the due date and the repayment instalment:

  • With one application, you can apply for a change in several loans. The changes that you can apply for are repayment holiday, a decrease or increase in the repayment instalment amount and a change in the due date.
  • State in the application the loan or loans you’re wanting to change, the change you’re applying for, your income and expenses and the reason for applying for the change.
  • If the loan has several borrowers, the application that you filed will be checked and approved by the other borrower/borrowers via their OP eServices. The bank will process the application when all the borrowers have approved the application. The change is subject to a service charge specified in our list of service charges and fees. See our list of service charges and fees before sending your application.

Repayment holiday – How can I take a repayment holiday on my loan?

A repayment holiday means a period during which only interest is paid on the loan. It enables you to balance your personal finances in a flexible way.

You can take a repayment holiday on your home, student and bank loans.

Do the following:

  • Log into OP eServices
  • Select "Lyhennysvapaa ja muut muutokset" (Repayment holiday and other changes) from the left-hand side menu on the "Lainat" (Loans) page.

Learn more here >

How can I apply for a home loan?

Always start by filling in a home loan application online. For more detailed instructions on how to apply for a home loan, see the link below. Note that to apply for a home loan, you need user identifiers for an online bank. Please contact our customer service if you don’t have online bank user identifiers with any bank.

Learn more

Change of a debit account – How can I change the account to which my loan repayments are debited?

You can change the loan management account by sending us an online message. If the loan has several borrowers, every borrower must send an online message with similar content on the change of the loan management account. Please state in your online message that it is the question of a change of the loan management account. Include in your message the loan number and the number of the account to which subsequent loan repayments will be debited.