Accessibility statement for OP Business mobile

This statement concerns the accessibility of the OP Business mobile app. OP Business mobile is a mobile application for OP Financial Group companies. OP Financial Group includes OP Cooperative, its group companies (such as OP Corporate Bank Plc, Pohjola Insurance Ltd, OP Life Assurance Company Ltd and OP-Services Ltd), OP Cooperative's member banks, OVY Insurance Ltd, OP Bank Group Pension Foundation, OP Bank Group Pension Fund and other current and future companies, entities and foundations in which at least one of the above individually or jointly exercise control.

The accessibility of OP Business mobile has been assessed by accessibility experts working on a project basis. In addition, continuous self-assessment has been carried out regarding the accessibility of the app. 

Accessibility was assessed on an iOS device using the VoiceOver screen reader and on an Android device using the Talkback screen reader.

Provisions on accessibility requirements are specified in the Act on the Provision of Digital Services.

This accessibility statement was created on 15 June 2021 and last updated on 30 January 2024.

State of accessibility of OP Business mobile

There are shortcomings in the accessibility of OP Business mobile, and the application does not fully meet the accessibility requirements. Non-compliance with the requirements and the applicable exemptions are listed below. If the device where the problem occurred is not specified in the missing section, the problem occurs when using both iOS and Android devices. Unless a more detailed repair schedule is announced, the shortcomings identified in accessibility will be corrected as OP Business mobile is developed.

Non-accessible content


OP Business mobile has accessibility shortcomings that are repeated in several different viewports. OP Business mobile also has some shortcomings in terms of overall accessibility and usability, which, however, do not violate any of the WCAG criteria. Some of the accessibility shortcomings occur on both iOS and Android devices, while others only appear on another platform.

OP Business mobile also contains some texts that are intended as titles but are not defined correctly. Heading level definitions are also missing in parts. Some elements lack status and/or role information or are incorrect, while some elements are not programmatically defined at all. Not all elements that belong together are connected to each other programmatically. Not all buttons are defined as such or are incorrectly defined. The reading order is not logical in all views, and the focus does not go to the correct position in some views.

PDF files that open in the app cannot be adequately zoomed without using two fingers. In certain situations on iOS devices, the reading sequence of PDF files is not defined. On Android devices, the screen reader treats the entire content of PDF files as a single object.

Not all the icons and elements in the application are very easy to figure out, which is the object of the function. Not all elements of the application have name tags or help texts, or they are inaccurate. Some buttons lack accessible names, or they are incomplete. The application has some shortcomings in the contrast ratios between text and background, as well as in the contrast ratios between the interface components and the graphic elements.

The OP Business mobile user will be logged out automatically when the app is not actively used for 5 minutes (timeout specified by the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2)). However, the user is not given a prior warning that they will be automatically logged out. OP Business mobile does not have built-in support for external devices. In addition, the Android version of the app can only be used vertically.

The app includes some features that are use the online service’s contents embedded in the mobile app (e.g., Book a meeting, Chat). These views do not fully meet the accessibility requirements. A screen reader user may have difficulties identifying when their device switches to the app’s embedded content.

On iOS devices, OP Business mobile has buttons that open web pages but are not reported programmatically.

  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value 
  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships 
  • WCAG 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable 
  • WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) 
  • WCAG 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast 
  • WCAG 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions 
  • WCAG 2.4.6 Headings and Labels 
  • WCAG 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning 
  • WCAG 1.3.4 Position (Android only)
  • WCAG 2.4.3 Focus Order 
  • WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text Content 
  • WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text 
  • WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard 

Activation and login

There are accessibility deficiencies in logging in to and using Mobile Key that are described in the General section of this report. In certain situations, screen reader users are not informed that the text includes advice that differs from basic texts (lightbulb icons). The fields’ instructions are not programmatically attached to fields in all sections. Not all headings have been implemented with programmatic heading elements. In addition, the use of certain buttons is not possible with a keyboard (e.g. external keyboard or switch control)

Accessibility improvements regarding implementation and logging in will be made during 2024.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard

Daily finances

Accounts and cards

The Accounts and cards section has accessibility deficiencies, which are described in the General section of this accessibility report.

Account transactions

In the account transactions section, category options are listed in a table that is difficult for screen reader users to understand. Account transactions also have accessibility issues, which are described in the General section of this accessibility report. 

  •   WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships 

Card views

On Android devices, some elements are displayed together at times and separately at other times, making it difficult to understand the content with a screen reader. In addition, card views have accessibility issues, which are described in the Overview section of this statement.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships

Payment services

On iOS devices, some of the text appears for the screen reader as an empty list, and there are also some empty elements in the views. On Android devices, the required error messages are not shown in all views, and the due date must be selected from a calendar that may be difficult to use with screen readers. In addition, there are accessibility gaps in payment services, which are described in the General section of this report.

  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value 
  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships 
  • WCAG 3.3.1 Error identification 
  • WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard 
  • WCAG 3.2.2 Input 

In the international payments section, some buttons open a browser, even when a link should be used instead of a button. Some longer texts are merged entirely in the same element. On iOS devices, the instructions for fields are merged with the fields so that they cannot be read as separate elements. On Android devices, some lists are defined as a single element, and moving the focus to an open dropdown list is not always possible. In addition, the section has accessibility issues, which are described in the Overview section of this statement.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard


Mutual funds

In the case of buy orders (e.g. shares), when transferring to the selection of a portfolio, the screen reader does not receive information about the portfolio selected. A screen reader user has to conclude that the selection occurred by tapping on the screen. The section also includes certain “unnamed” buttons, the function of which is not apparent in the screen reader. In addition, browsing the list includes accessibility deficits and the location of the cursor may be unclear for the screen reader user.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships 
  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, role, value 
  • WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text Content 


The Loans section is almost accessible. Some views have small accessibility deficiencies in the colour contrasts between elements and text. In addition, when using a screen reader, the reading sequence is not always logical, and not all the information is read.  

  • WCAG 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast
  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning

Corporate services

Corporate financial performance

On iOS devices, some views erroneously include an invisible and unnamed button which screen readers can still focus on. Screen readers bypass figures entirely, because figures visualise information that is numerically available elsewhere in the view. On Android devices, some buttons have been flagged as links. Not all elements are included in the reading sequence, and the reading sequence is incorrect in some views.

In addition, both platforms have accessibility issues, which are mentioned in the Overview section of this statement.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning
  • WCAG 2.4.3 Focus Order
  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value


In recurring billing on iOS devices, the programmatic contexts of some elements do not link them with one another. In some viewports, the reading sequence may be incorrect. Some selections are made using selection controls that cannot be accessed with a screen reader. 

On Android devices, the programmatic texts of some buttons do not fully link them with their contexts. The selection to enable recurring billing is implemented using checkboxes even as the correct element would be a selection button. Search results cannot always be accessed by swiping when using a screen reader. The page indicator at the bottom is not included in the reading sequence. 

In addition, the viewports have accessibility issues, which are described in the Overview section of this statement.

The Invoicing section is being updated, and accessibility improvements will be made during 2024.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning
  • WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard
  • WCAG 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
  • WCAG 3.2.2 Input
  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, role, value

Accounting records

Files downloaded from the accounting records (PDFs, CSVs) cannot be adequately zoomed without using two fingers. In addition, the programmatic context of some buttons does not indicate the target to which they relate. On iOS devices, the reading sequence of files is not determined. On Android devices, the screen reader treats each page as a single target in the files. In addition, the accounting records contain accessibility issues which are described in the Overview section of this statement.

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 1.3.2 Order affecting meaning
  • WCAG 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
  • WCAG 2.5.1 Pointer gestures
  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

Customer relationship

Some buttons are not programmatically determined as buttons. As a result, screen reader users do not necessarily notice that they can be pressed. The viewports contain several elements which the screen reader incorrectly treats as having a functionality.

  • WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text Content
  • WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

Accessibility feedback

Did you find accessibility issues in our digital services? If you didn’t find an answer in our accessibility statement, please send us feedback. 

Feedback and processing of personal data

If you haven’t logged in and you don’t enter your contact details, your feedback will be anonymous. A non-logged-in customer may provide their name and email address or phone number if they request us to contact them. We will store information about logged-in customers in our feedback system, including the name and personal identity code of the customer or company representative and the name of the OP cooperative bank whose customer the person providing feedback is. For corporate customers, we also store the company’s name and business ID. If a logged-in customer requests us to contact them, we will also store their phone number or email address. Other details that we will store in our feedback system include the customer’s feedback and the details provided by the customer about the auxiliary program or device they are using.

We will use the stored personal data only in feedback processing, to improve customer experience and OP Financial Group’s services. The personal data is processed in OP Financial Group financial institutions’ customer data files.

Supervisory authority

If the website has accessibility issues that are not addressed in the accessibility statement, please send us feedback from the link above. If you give your contact information on the feedback form, we are required by law to respond to you within 14 days.  

If you are dissatisfied with our reply or if we don’t reply to your feedback at all, you can contact the supervisory authority, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. 

Contact information of the regulator

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Accessibility Control Unit
Tel. (switchboard) 0295 016 000