After the change, insurance policies will be issued by Pohjola Insurance Ltd. The planned date for the merger is 1 April 2020.
The planned change will have no impact on services or insurance terms and conditions, nor will it require any action from you. The phone number for customer service and claims settlement, 0304 0506, will remain unchanged.
The familiar experts and partners at A-Insurance will continue to be at your assistance in insurance and claim matters after the merger. The identifying codes of existing policies and claims remain unchanged.
We have upgraded our online services, and you can now manage insurance and claims matters at and For instructions in loss events and contact details of our partners, visit Pohjola Claim Help at and on OP Business mobile.
The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved the merger.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is A-Insurance merged into Pohjola Insurance?
The merger with A-Insurance is a natural next step in the brand upgrade by OP non-life insurance, as a result of which OP Insurance was renamed Pohjola Insurance on 1 June 2019. The change also streamlines the corporate organisational structure.
Travel insurance provider Eurooppalainen has also merged into Pohjola Insurance on 1 November 2019.
When will the change take place?
According to current plans, A-Insurance will merge into Pohjola Insurance on 1 April 2020. The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved the merger.
How will the change impact customers or insurance contracts?
The merger will require no action from customers of either company. Nor will it impact insurance terms and conditions or contracts. Only the name of the company issuing insurance will change to Pohjola Insurance. A-Insurance services will continue as the brand for commercial transport services.
I am an A-Insurance customer planning to purchase a new vehicle before the merger. With which company should I take out insurance?
A-Insurance will continue to issue new policies until 31 March 2020. In the merger, all policies will automatically be transferred to Pohjola Insurance. If you have an umbrella agreement for motor vehicle insurance policies and/or use bulk invoicing, the simplest method is to take out new policies with A-Insurance until 31 March 2020.
I am an A-Insurance customer and require certificates for competitive bidding?
Certificate of insurance can be printed out in the and online services. We will notify Reliable Partner Finland of the merger, and you will not be required to resend them your certificates.
I use my vehicle abroad and have a Green Card for my motor liability insurance. Will I need a new Green Card?
Although your policy code will stay the same, the company issuing the insurance will change. For this reason, we recommend ordering a new Green Card after 1 April 2020. The simplest way to order is to log in the or service (on the Insurance page, select Motor vehicle insurance and click Order a Green Card).