OP Light Entrepreneurship

OP Light Entrepreneurship – a service for all light entrepreneurs

​OP Light Entrepreneurship handles paperwork for you

The OP Light Entrepreneurship service handles all tedious paperwork, leaving you with more time to devote to your billable work. We can keep the accounts and do tax returns for you, and you can also have invoices sent easily via the service.

​As an OP Light Entrepreneur, you get a business ID

We’ll apply for a business ID on your behalf. With a business ID, you become a private trader and entitled to value-for-money benefits. For example, you can deduct purchases made for business purposes from taxes.

You have the support of our chat customer service

OP Light Entrepreneurs have the support of a chat service (in Finnish), where our specialists will advise you on entrepreneurship.

Have you thought about setting up your own business but found the red tape too challenging?

Light entrepreneurship is a great choice if you prefer to leave tedious paperwork to the OP Light Entrepreneurship service. This will leave you with more time to devote to your core business and billable work. Light entrepreneurs often start out as part-time entrepreneurs alongside paid employment. Some part-time entrepreneurs become full-time entrepreneurs over time.

When setting up a business, you should consider matters such as how to keep accounts and issue invoices, and where to get help with the twists and turns of entrepreneurship. We can keep the accounts and do tax returns for you via the OP Light Entrepreneurship service. It is also an easy way of having invoices sent to your customers. You’ll also have the support of our Customer Service through chat (in Finnish), where our specialists will advise you on entrepreneurship. 

We’ll apply for a business ID on your behalf as an OP Light Entrepreneur. With a business ID, you can become a private trader and are entitled to value-for-money benefits. These include tax-deductible purchases for business purposes. For example, a freelance photographer can deduct cameras and other equipment they use. In addition, as an OP Light Entrepreneur you are entitled to VAT relief, depending on the invoiced amount. Such benefits will leave you with more money in your pocket than you would have without a business ID.

The service is provided by Pivo Wallet Ltd.

What does the OP Light Entrepreneurship service cost?

A service fee of 5% is charged for the use of the service i.e. you’ll only pay OP Light Entrepreneurship 5% (plus VAT) of your sales amount excluding VAT. If you invoice for more than 30,000 euros per year, the remainder of the year will be free of charge.

There are no other costs for using the service. In other words, if there’s no invoicing, no fee is charged for the service.


Who would light entrepreneurship suit?

The OP Light Entrepreneurship service is available to everybody, including customers of other banks. Light entrepreneurship is particularly suitable for persons who sell their own expertise, freelancers and part-time entrepreneurs. Typical lines of business represented among the users of the service include photography, fitness and wellbeing, beauty care, construction and renovation, IT and many types of consulting services.

Users of the service must be at least 18 years of age.

You should not use the service if you want to trade internationally, hire an employee or plan to make large investments that require financing. In such a case, we recommend establishing, for example, a limited liability company instead of light entrepreneurship. 

If you’re unsure about whether OP Light Entrepreneurship is for you, our Customer Service chat (in Finnish) will be happy to advise you!