Working capital

Are you considering a solution for financing your working capital? We offer solutions according to your needs.
Yrittäjä kännykkä kädessä
Corporate account with credit facility
A corporate account with credit facility gives flexibility to a company's cash – funds available to you with no separate withdrawal requests.
Factoring increases working capital
By means of factoring, you will enhance the efficiency of your company’s working capital management and liquidity.
Asentajan hahmo heijastuu aurinkopaneelista.
Green Loan
Take out a green loan with us to finance projects reducing environmental impact.
Yrittäjä läppärin kanssa
OP Revolving Credit Facility
A fast and flexible financing solution to your company’s recurring financing needs.
Vakuudeton yritysrahoitus
OP Flexible Capital
When your company is in need of working capital, apply for unsecured revolving OP Flexible Capital.