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Manage employee accident risks

Take your employees’ work and leisure-time cover under control!

Get your employees’ statutory insurances in order and take leisure-time accidents into account. The solution offers your personnel limited cover that ensures quick treatment and return to work as well as compensation for loss of income for work and leisure-time accidents.

In addition to insurance, your company should also take care of the organisation of occupational health care as regards preventative services. In maintaining capacity for work, you should also utilise our occupational safety services.

What does the solution include?

Insurances and services for work and leisure time:

Occupational accidents and diseases insurance

As an employer, you are obliged to insure your employees with an occupational accidents and diseases insurance policy.

All employees, whether in an employment or public service relationship and, by and large, partners and shareholders working for a company are covered on an obligatory basis. Entrepreneurs are insured with Self-employed persons’ accident insurance. Occupational accidents and diseases insurance is part of social security.

The insurance covers, for example:

  • Quick access to treatment and return to work in the event of an occupational accident
  • Treatment expenses
  • Loss of income
  • Compensation for a permanent disability
  • Rehabilitation

Accidents happen more often during leisure time that at work. Ensure that your personnel have the opportunity for good and quick treatment. The employee will receive quick medical attention following an accident during non-working hours and will be back at work soon.

The insurance covers, for example:

  • Quick access to treatment and return to work in the event of a leisure-time accident
  • Treatment expenses
  • Loss of income
  • Compensation for a permanent disability
  • Rehabilitation
  • Accidents during sports activity

The insurance is valid everywhere in the world.

In a safe work environment, the conditions for performing work are in order and the work does not have an adverse effect on health. Improving occupational safety is an everyday job. We will help you identify the right measures to prevent injuries while ensuring safe work conditions and employees’ capacity for work.

We have compiled key tips for ensuring occupational safety. If necessary, you can contact our occupational safety experts.

Preventative services
If your company has even one employee, at least preventative occupational health care services must be arranged for him or her.

What is included in preventative services?

  • Surveys of the workplace
  • Occupational safety cooperation
  • Health monitoring
  • Support regarding capacity for work
  • Guidance to rehabilitation
  • First aid training
  • Crisis support
  • Advice and guidance


Medical care

It is important for the success of your company that you invest in supporting the health and capacity for work of your personnel. 90% of companies have arranged general practitioner level medical care for their personnel in addition to preventative occupational health care services.

What does medical care cover?

  • General practitioner level medical care
  • Specialist consultations to support capacity for work
You can supplement preventative occupational health care services and general practitioner level medical care with accident insurance for work and leisure time as well as Health Insurance – you can use them to support the health and capacity for work of your personnel. 
Nainen selaa tietokonetta hymyillen, sillä hänellä on työtapaturmavakuutus turvanaan.
Workers’ compensation insurance
Covers your employees in the event of accidents that happen at work or on the way to or from work as well as occupational diseases.
Kaksi miestä nauravat ulkona huolettomasti tietäen, että yrityksen vapaa-ajan tapaturmavakuutus tuo turvaa vapaa-ajalla ja etätöissä.
Group accident insurance
Protect your staff in the event of injuries sustained outside of work.