OP Cooperative’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of OP Financial Group’s central cooperative (OP Cooperative) controls and supervises the operations of the central cooperative, the central cooperative consolidated and OP Financial Group.

In the Bylaws, the Board’s duty is to control the operations of the central cooperative, the central cooperative consolidated, the amalgamation and the entire OP Financial Group according to the Supervisory Council’s guidelines and to manage the governance of the central cooperative and to organise its operations appropriately in compliance with legislation and the regulations and decisions issued by relevant authorities. The Board of Directors must ensure that the supervision of accounting and treasury is duly organised at the central cooperative (administrative duty). The Board of Directors also supervises the central cooperative, the central cooperative consolidated, the amalgamation and the entire OP Financial Group that they are managed reliably, efficiently and in compliance with prudent business principles, and that the central cooperative, its subsidiaries and the companies within the amalgamation act on the laws applied to them, on orders and decisions issued by the relevant authorities, on their bylaws or articles of association and on the principles and instructions confirmed by the Supervisory Council and the Board of Directors (supervisory duty). 

In addition, the Board of Directors’ duty is to appoint the central cooperative’s Chief Audit Executive, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and other executives reporting directly to the President and Group Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors confirms a Charter for itself and each of its committees and other preparatory bodies it may set up, as well as appoints a chair, a vice chair and members to them. 

The Board of Directors decides on convening the Cooperative Meeting and submitting proposals to the Cooperative Meeting on matters within its remit.

The Charter of the Board of Directors defines the Board duties in more detail.

The Board of Directors comprises the incumbent President and Group Chief Executive Officer and 9–13 other members appointed by the Supervisory Council. At least four Board members must be independent of the central cooperative and of other Group companies.

The Board of Directors consists of the following members:

Jaakko Pehkonen, b. 1960
Chair of the Board from 1 January 2020
M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), rahoitusneuvos (Finnish honorary title)

Relevant experience:
University of Jyväskylä 1998: Professor of Economics 1998–
University of Jyväskylä 1998: First Vice Rector 2010–2012
University of Jyväskylä 1998: Dean, School of Business and Economics, 1999–2008

Other relevant positions:
OP Financial Group Research Foundation: Chair of the Board of Directors 2013–2019, Member of the Board of Directors 2009–
EduCluster Finland: member of the Board of Directors 2018–, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors 2019–2023, Chair of the Board of Directors 2023– 
OP Cooperative: Chair of the Supervisory Board 2013–2019, Member/Vice Chair of the Supervisory Board 2008–2012
OP Keski-Suomi: Chair of the Board of Directors 2014–2019, Member/Vice Chair of the Board of Directors 2008–2014

Jarna Heinonen, b.1965
Vice Chair of the Board from 1 January 2020
M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)

Relevant experience:
University of Turku, School of Economics: Professor in Entrepreneurship 2008–
University of Turku, School of Economics: Deputy Head of Department 2014–2020, Head of Department 2021–

Other relevant positions:
OP Cooperative: Member of the Supervisory Board 2012–2019, Member of the Supervisory Board's Working Committee 2018–2019, Member/Chair of the Supervisory Board's Audit Committee 2012–2018
OP Turun Seutu: Chair of the Board of Directors 2011–2019, Member of of the Board of Directors 2006–2011
TOP Säätiö: Chair of the Board of Trustees 2017–, member of the Board of Trustees 2011–

Matti Kiuru, b. 1963
Board member since 1 January 2024
M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), eMBA
Previous Experience:
OP Länsi-Suomi: Managing Director 2017–
OP Länsi-Suomi: Bank Director/Sales Director 2006–2017
Porin Seudun Osuuspankki: Bank Director/Sales Director 1989–2005
Other relevant positions:
OP Cooperative: Member of the Supervisory Council 2021–2023
Satakunta University Foundation: Vice Chair of the Board of Directors 2017–
Western Finland Diaconia Institute and Diakon Oy: Member of the Board of Directors 2017–
OP’s employer association OPTA ry: Member of the Board of Directors 2021–2023, Chair 2023

Katja Kuosa-Kaartti, b. 1973
Board member since 1 January 2024
M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), Authorised Public Accountant and Auditor, Certified Board Member, Authorised Sustainability Auditor

Previous Experience:
Tilintarkastus Kuosa-Kaartti Oy: Authorised Public Accountant and Auditor 2014–
Tilintarkastus ja Talouspalvelut Kuosa-Kaartti: Authorised Public Accountant and Auditor 2003–2014
Tokmanni Group Oyj: Financial Manager 2010–2012
Kemppi Group Oy: Various financial management positions, most recently Financial Manager 2002–2010
KPMG Wideri Oy Ab: Auditor 1996–2002
Other relevant positions:
OP Cooperative: Member of the Supervisory Council 2016–2023, member of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Council 2016–2019
Ylä-Uudenmaan Osuuspankki: Chair of the Board of Directors 2023
Orimattilan Osuuspankki: Chair of the Board of Directors 2013–2022, member of the Board of Directors 2008–2013
OP-Eläkesäätiö pension foundation: Member of the Supervisory Council 2020–2023
OP Bank Group Pension Fund: Chair of the Representative Assembly 2020–2022

Kati Levoranta, b. 1970
Member of the Board from 1 January 2020
LL.M, Trained on the bench,  LL.M, MBA

Relevant experience:
P2X Solutions Oy: Executive Vice President,Chief Operational Officer 2023–
P2X Solutions Oy: Executive Vice President, operational and commercial activities 2021–2022
Rovio Entertainment Corporation: Chief Executive Officer 2016–2020
Rovio Entertainment: Chief Legal Officer 2012–2015
Nokia Siemens Networks Oy: Various positions 2007–2012
Nokia Corporation: Legal Counsel 2005–2007

Other relevant positions:
Finavia Corporation: Nember of the Board of Directors 2021–, Chair of the Board of Directors 2022–
Juuri Partners Oy: Member of the Board of Directors 2020–
Central Chamber of Commerce: Member of the Board of Directors 2016–2020

Pekka Loikkanen, b. 1959
Member of the Board from 1 January 2020
M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)

Relevant experience:
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy: Partner 2000–2020
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy: Regional Director 1997–2017, Accountant 1988–1992, Authorised Public Accountant (KHT) 1993–2020

Other relevant positions:
BLC Turva Oy: Member of the Board of Directors 2021–
Savonlinna BLC-osuuskunta: Member of the Board of Directors 2022–
KPY Cooperative: member of the Board of Directors and Vice Chair 2022–
Tanhuvaaran säätiö sr: Member of the Board of Directors 2021–

Tero Ojanperä, b. 1966
Member of the Board from 1 July 2020
M.Sc. (Computer Science), Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)

Relevant experience:
Aalto University: Professor of Practice 2020–
Silo AI Ltd: CEO 2017–2019
Visionplus Fund: Founding Partner, Managing Partner 2012–2017
Nokia Corporation: Executive Vice President, Consumer Internet Services; Chief Technology Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, Member of the Nokia Group Executive Board 2005–2011; Head of Nokia Research Center, Vice President at Nokia Networks, and various other expert and management positions 1990–2004

Other relevant positions:
Aalto University: Member of the Board of Directors 2025–
Fintraffic: Chair of the Board of Directors 2021–
Betolar Oy: Chair of the Board of Directors 2020–2023, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors 2023–
Siili Solutions Plc: Member of the Board of Directors 2020–
Silo AI Ltd: Chair of the Board of Directors 2019–2024
DNA Plc: Member of the Board of Directors 2014–2021
Bittium Corporation: Member of the Board of Directors 2017–2019
Veikkaus Ltd: Member of the Board of Directors, 2013–2017
Tampere University of Technology: Chair of the Board of Directors, 2012–2018

Riitta Palomäki, b. 1957
Member of the Board from 1 January 2020
M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)

Relevant experience:
Uponor Corporation: CFO 2009–2017
Kuusakoski Group Oy: CFO 2003–2009

Other relevant positions:
Nordic Waterproofing Holding A/S: Member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee 2016–
OP Cooperative: Member of the Supervisory Board 2017–2019, Member/Chair of the Audit Committee 2017–2019
HKScan Corporation: Member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee 2017–2018
Componenta Corporation: Member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee 2012–2017

Jaana Reimasto-Heiskanen b. 1963
Board member since 1 January 2025
eMBA, kauppaneuvos (Finnish honorary title)
Relevant experience:
OP Pohjois-Karjala: Managing Director 2017
OP Pielinen: Managing Director 2012–2017 
OP Eno: Managing Director 2006–2012 
OP Tuupovaara: Managing Director 2003–2006
OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative: Trainer 1996–1997, Business Development Manager 1998–2003 

Other relevant positions:
OP Retail Customers plc: Member of the Board of Directors 2024– 
Pohjola Insurance Ltd: Member of the Board of Directors 2019–2024 
North Karelia Chamber of Commerce: First Vice Chair of the Board of Directors 2018-2020, Chair of the Board of Directors 2021-2014


Timo Ritakallio, b. 1962        
Member of the Board from 1 January 2020
D.Sc. (Tech.), LL.M., MBA

Relevant experience:
OP Financial Group: President and Group Chief Executive Officer 2018–
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company: President and CEO 2015–2018, Deputy CEO 2008–2014
OP Financial Group: various positions 1993–2008

Other relevant positions:
OP Corporate Bank plc: Chair of the Board of Directors 2018–
Pohjola Insurance: Chair of the Board of Directors 2018–
Kesko Corporation: Member of the Board of Directors 2021
Confederation of Finnish Industries: Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee 2020–2021
Central Chamber of Commerce: Member of the Board of Directors 2019–2021, Chair of the Board of Directors 2022
Finance Finland: Member/Vice Chair of the Board of Directors 2017–2019, 2022–, Chair of the Board of Directors 2020–2021
Finnish Olympic Committee: Chair of the Board of Directors 2016–2020

Securities Market Association: Member/Chair of the Board of Directors 2014–2022

Petri Sahlström, born 1971
Member of the Board from 1 January 2022
M.Sc. (Econ.), D.Sc. (Econ.)

Relevant experience:
University of Oulu: Professor of Accounting and Finance 2005–, Dean 2011–2017, Vice Dean 2010–2011, Head of Department 2008–2011
University of Vaasa: Professor of Accounting and Finance 2003–2005, Head of Department 2003–2005

Other relevant positions:
Oulu Chamber of Commerce: Member of the Economy and Legislation Committee, 2016–, Member of the Audit Committee 2010–2015
OP Cooperative: Member of the Supervisory Council 2020–2021, Member of the Supervisory Board, 2016–2019,  Member of the Supervisory Board's Risk Management Committee 2017–2019
Oulun Osuuspankki: Board member 2011–2021, Chair of the Board of Directors 2018–2021
Association of Business Schools in Finland: Chair, 2014–2016
The Finnish Shareholders Association: Board member 2011–2016

The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the financial reporting system, internal control, internal audit and risk management systems, in ensuring the independence of the audit and the Auditor and in the preparation of the appointment of an Auditor.

The Charter of the Audit Committee describes the Committee duties in more detail.

The Audit Committee comprises a Chair and at least two other members appointed annually by the Board of Directors from among its members. The Committee’s Chair and the majority of the members, Chair included, must be independent of OP Financial Group companies.

The Audit Committee members from 2 May 2023 onwards:

  • Riitta Palomäki, Chair
  • Jarna Heinonen, Vice Chair
  • Pekka Loikkanen, member

The Risk Committee assists the Board of Directors in matters relating to the central cooperative’s and the entire OP Financial Group’s risk strategy and risk-taking, and in supervising compliance with the risk strategy. It assesses whether the prices charged for services that tie the capital of the Group’s companies are in line with the company’s business model and risk tolerances. If this is not the case, it draws up a plan to make corrections which is to be submitted for approval by the Board of Directors. In addition, the Risk Committee assists the Remuneration Committee in establishing sound remuneration schemes, and assesses whether the remuneration schemes promote taking into account the company’s risks and capital and liquidity requirements, as well as revenue allocation and the probability of profit. The Risk Committee supervises, for example, the adequacy of business internal control, independent Risk Management and Compliance, operational efficiency and reliability and compliance with the principles governing them.

The Charter of the Risk Committee describes the Committee duties in more detail. 

The Risk Committee comprises a Chair and at least two other members appointed annually by the Board of Directors from among its members. The Committee’s Chair and the majority of the members, Chair included, must be independent of OP Financial Group companies.

The members of the Risk Committee from 2 May 2023 onwards:

  • Pekka Loikkanen, Chair
  • Petri Sahlström, Vice Chair
  • Riitta Palomäki, member
The Nomination Committee is tasked with assisting the Board of Directors in the appointment of a Chief Audit Executive, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and directors (except the deputy to the President and Group Chief Executive Officer) directly reporting to the President and Group Chief Executive Officer.
The Charter of the Nomination Committee describes the Committee duties in more detail.
The Nomination Committee comprises a Chair and at least two other members appointed annually by the Board of Directors from among its members. The Committee’s Chair and the majority of the members, Chair included, must be independent of OP Financial Group companies.
Board Nomination Committee as of 1 January 2024:
  • Tero Ojanperä, Chair
  • Katja Kuosa-Kaartti, Vice Chair
  • Kati Levoranta, member
The Remuneration Committee’s duty is to assist the Board of Directors in decisions related to the management and control of remuneration schemes. The Remuneration Committee provides a framework for, controls and supervises the development of overall remuneration applied to employees within the entire OP Financial Group. The Committee prepares to the Board of Directors a recommendation on the remuneration applied to OP cooperative banks’ senior management and members of governing bodies. The Committee prepares a proposal to the Board of Directors for changing or postponing remuneration in a situation where applying the remuneration scheme would be contrary to the interests of OP Financial Group due to the operating environment or the Group’s financial position.
The Charter of the Remuneration Committee describes the Committee duties in more detail.
The Remuneration Committee comprises a Chair and at least two other members appointed annually by the Board of Directors from among its members. The Committee’s Chair and the majority of the members, Chair included, must be independent of OP Financial Group companies.
Board Remuneration Committee as of 2 May 2023:
  • Kati Levoranta, Chair
  • Jaakko Pehkonen, Vice Chair
  • Tero Ojanperä, member