Together through time
Congratulations OP 120 years!OP has been owned by its customers since its foundation in 1902
Osuuskassojen keskuslainarahasto Osakeyhtiö (Central Lending Fund of the Cooperative Societies Limited Company) was founded on 14 May 1902. Cooperative credit societies offered loans to the rural poor, who had lacked access to banking services.
The societies were a key provider of financing and education for Finland’s largest demographic group, enabling wellbeing and growth. This means that OP Financial Group has been building Finnish society for more than 120 years.
Mission has remained unchanged through the decades
In 2022, OP Financial Group’s mission is to promote the sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing of its owner-customers and operating region. The Group has more than two million owner-customers.

OP’s history: revolutions in the banking world
We have charted OP Financial Group’s journey from the 1990s banking crisis to the 2020s. Find out what happened in OP during those two decades.
We have charted OP Financial Group’s journey from the 1990s banking crisis to the 2020s. Find out what happened in OP during those two decades.