On 20 February 2014, Pohjola Bank plc received an announcement under Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Securities Markets Act from OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative that 123 OP-Pohjola Group cooperative banks have undertaken to accept the public voluntary bid for Pohjola Bank plc shares that they hold. The bid was launched by OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative on 6 February 2014. If the bid were completed, OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative's shareholding would exceed ? of the total number of Pohjola Bank plc shares, and the undertakings given by the cooperative banks would increase the shareholding of OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative in Pohjola to 67.08% of all shares and the votes conferred by the shares to 81.32% of the votes.
Offeror's existing shares and votes:
Number of shares: 141,879,206.
Proportion of all shares: 44.40%.
Number of votes: 384,443,730.
Proportion of votes: 65.19%.
If the bid were executed, the offeror's shares and votes would be as follows:
Number of shares: 214,365,186.
Proportion of all shares: 67.08%.
Number of votes: 479,568,626.
Proportion of votes: 81.32%.
The number of Pohjola Bank plc's registered shares totals 319,551,415 which represent a total of 589,717,611 votes.