My profile

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find My profile?

After logging into, you’ll find My profile under your name in the top bar. My profile is also available on OP-mobile.

What information can I manage myself in My profile?

In contact details, you can edit your email address and phone number. Your address is retrieved from the Population Information System maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. If you’ve just filed a change-of-address notification, we’ll receive an automatic update of your new address.

Why don’t the changes I made to my customer information appear in My profile? 

You must always save the changes you make to your information. For example, in the direct electronic marketing consent view, the Save button is located in the bottom right corner. If the problem persists, please contact our customer service.

If I update my phone number and email address in My profile, will they be forwarded from there to all OP Financial Group registers? 

Phone numbers and email addresses are updated from My profile to OP Financial Group’s banking, insurance and wealth management services. Please note that the email address and phone number entered in My details are not automatically updated to the e-invoice notification. Some services, like Pivo, have separate registers where the information must be updated separately.

How can I move to the previous page in My profile? I don’t see any Back button in the service. 

You can navigate to the previous page by using your browser’s Back button. However, if you’ve updated your information or settings, remember to always first save the changes by clicking or tapping the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Which marketing and communication consents and prohibitions can I manage in My profile? 

In My profile, you can manage consents to direct electronic marketing. This means that you can choose whether you want to receive topical messages from us by email or as SMSes and notifications to your phone. In addition, My profile includes settings for prohibiting direct mail marketing and telemarketing. In My profile, you can also manage cookie settings that are in use when you’re logged into the service and refuse to accept customer surveys.