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Responsible investing

Responsible investing is effective and gives you the chance to make a difference. Find responsible equities, funds and ETFs suitable for your company.

You have taken ESG aspects into account in your investments

By investing in responsible investment options you know that the environment, social responsibility and good governance have been taken into account.


You seek return that is as good as that of other investments

You can invest your assets in line with your values without compromising on your return expectations.


Responsible investing is easy

Do you want to invest in responsible investment funds, equities or ETFs? Whatever your desired investment product, it will always be easy to find.

What is responsible and ethical investment?

Responsible or ESG investing means taking account of the ESG aspects – the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance – in investment operations. Responsible companies act as sustainably as possible and take account of their impact on the environment and society, while still seeking to make a profit. A socially responsible company will thrive and succeed in the long run. 

Ethical investment is often mentioned in connection with responsible investment. Ethical investment means taking account of the investor’s values in investment decisions and eliminating certain companies and sectors accordingly.  

What does ESG mean?

The abbreviation ESG used in connection with responsible investing refers to the three ESG aspects of sustainability:

  1. Environmental
    How well companies take into account matters related to the environment, such as energy efficiency, biodiversity, the circular economy, environmental programmes and work against climate change.
  2. Social
    How well companies take into account matters related to social responsibility, such as human rights, children’s rights, fair HR policy, product safety, local communities and labour standards.
  3. Governance
    How well companies take into account matters related to good governance, such as the independence of the Board, remuneration of the Board, tax payments, anti-corruption and anti-bribery measures, and remuneration schemes.

Responsible equities

How to invest in equities responsibly? It is about opting to invest in companies that live up to their environmental, social and governance responsibilities. 

Equity analyses include ESG analyses to help you choose responsible equities. You can find ESG analyses for all companies included in the OMX Helsinki 25 Index. The analyses provide information on the companies’ ESG development and goals. You can also find information on the key ESG drivers of the business and market in question. International company analyses provide information on whether a company acts responsibly.

Businesses’ own sustainability and corporate responsibility reports give an indication of their level of responsibility. These report on factors such as carbon footprint, corporate governance, social responsibility, sustainable development and environmental impact.

Responsible investment funds

All of our responsible investment funds promote ESG features. We also have funds that exclude a wider variety of controversial sectors. Among our range of funds, you will find the ones that suit your sustainability preferences.

ESG fund ratings

One of the goals of the EU’s sustainable finance regulations is to ensure better transparency and availability of ESG data on investment products and easier comparison between products. Due to this, funds will be classified into three different categories, depending on the sustainability goals of the fund: Article 9, Article 8 and Article 6. Promoting the responsibility of our funds is important to us.

Identify from ESG Fund Rating Description
Article 9, sustainable investment products Funds that aim at sustainable investment. They invest in companies that have a positive impact on the environment and/or society and human wellbeing.
Article 8, investment products that promote ESG features Funds, that promote features related to the environment or society by excluding companies that have business which is harmful to the environment and society. Companies that take into consideration matters related to the environment, social sustainability and good governance better than their peers are selected for and are the focus of the funds.
  Article 6, other investment products Funds that acknowledge sustainability risks, but do not specifically promote or pursue matters related to the environment or society. 

We will perform the ESG analysis on most of our funds by using our own ESG analysis model. 

Responsible ETFs

We have a wide range of ETF funds for responsible investors. You can choose more diversified products based on ESG ratings, or more targeted products based on themes such as clean energy production. See the range of products with the help of the ETF search engine or the responsibility list. 

Responsible investment with us

We are committed to the principles of responsible investment, which we follow when investing on behalf of ourselves and customers. Investment targets can be achieved by positive screening to ensure responsible investments, and by nudging companies towards greater sustainability.

We take ESG aspects into account without compromising on expected return. We act responsibly by eliminating questionable companies, analysing companies’ degree of responsibility, impacting on companies, and voting in annual meetings. We avoid all direct and active investment in, for example, ethically dubious arms manufacturers and companies in breach of international norms. 


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Responsible investing
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How to start investing company assets
Learn how to get started and start investing that best suits your company’s needs.