Group Interest Account is the first collective account in Finland and a new way of saving money collectively.
- Saving into Group Interest Account covers a certain period during which each account holder saves money into his own Group Interest Account.
- Even small amounts will generate a big sum. The larger the interest amount paid on the account, the larger the total deposited amounts.
- At and on OP-mobile, you can view how many depositors are involved, how much money has been deposited and how the interest develops.
- The deposit interest rate is determined by each lot.
- It also pays to follow how long the distance is to the next interest level and to suggest friends making a deposit.
- The contribution period is followed by a fixed-term deposit period after which the deposited funds with interest will be paid into your current account.
Money deposited into the Group Interest Account generates OP bonuses to you. Learn more under the section ‘Owner-customer benefits and OP bonuses through banking services’!