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Secure Transactions in OP-mobile

We noticed that your device includes an app that utilizes an accessibility interface that has been installed from an untrustworthy source. If you want to continue using OP-mobile, disable the application (which has been installed from an untrustworthy source) or remove it entirely from your device. Accessibility services or accessibility features can be used by, among others, screen reader applications, but harmful applications can also exploit these on the device.

Why did you receive this notification?

  • We noticed that your device includes an app that makes use of an accessibility interface that has been installed from an untrustworthy source. Untrustworthy sources include app stores not owned by the device manufacturer.
  • Cybercriminals can make use of your device’s accessibility services or interfaces through applications like this and use your device without your knowledge.
  • To ensure safe use of banking services, we have prevented the use of OP-mobile until you disable the app or delete it entirely from your device.
  • If this is an antivirus program and you have intentionally installed the app, check whether the app is available on official app stores and install it from there.

How can an installed app affect data security?

  • Through Android’s accessibility services, it is possible to get access to the interfaces of other apps on a device. This way, it is possible to start functions on a device without its user noticing and collect sensitive information from it.
  • Cybercriminals make use of accessibility interfaces to collect sensitive information from a mobile device. These include
    • online bank user identifiers
    • personal data
    • communication and
    • all other information that can be used for fraudulent purposes.
  • Criminals can also gain control of a device when its screen is shut, in which case it is difficult to notice the activity.

How can a malicious software be installed on your device?

Cybercriminals use various ways to trick people into downloading malicious software to their devices. Malicious software is often installed along with an app downloaded from an untrustworthy source.

Consider the events occurring in the next few days.

  • Have you received a suspicious call or SMS where you have been instructed to download a new program or to press a link?
  • Have you installed any other programs to your device, such as through a commercial or QR code?
  • Have you opened attachments the contents of which you are unsure?

These are examples of ways through which a program may have been installed on your device.

What should you do?

  • Delete the app that uses the accessibility interface entirely, or at least disable the program that has been installed through an untrustworthy source.
  • Check the access rights granted to apps by your device and consider which of them are necessary. Revoke access rights from the apps that do not need them.

A good way to check whether an app has been installed from an official app store (such as Play Store) is to check whether it is included in the app list of the official app store. If you are unable to delete the app from your device, take it to the closest mobile device repair shop.

Why did you prevent the use of OP-mobile? What if I do not delete the app?

Installing apps from an untrusted source can pose a security risk. Securing our customers’ payments always comes first, so we will attempt to restrict the use of services in devices that might be compromised. If you do not delete the app or at least disable it, you will not be able to use OP-mobile.