OP-Maailma Indeksi

OP-World Index B

One investment, global diversification


OP-World Index is offers a cost-efficient way of diversifying your assets into global equity markets. Thanks to its low fees, OP-World Index is an excellent choice for long-term investment. Investing in index funds requires some investment knowledge, because you should be able to assess your own risk tolerance. When determining the amount to invest in an index fund, think whether you would also be ready to tolerate an equivalent amount of price volatility in the equity market.

  • The fund's investments are selected based on its globally diversified benchmark index, MSCI World ESG Screened.
  • The fund units generate OP bonuses for private customers who are also our owner-customers.


Subscription fee Annual management fee Redemption fee
0,00 % 0,39 % 0,00 %

The fund units generate OP bonuses for private customers who are also our owner-customers.

OP-World Index invests its assets globally in advanced markets and the investor's portfolio will thereby get a solid base steadily following global economic prospects. OP-World Index suits investors hunting for high returns, but it also requires risk tolerance and willingness to follow market events and manage the investment accordingly. Here the portfolio manager's role mainly consists of cost-efficient execution of the fund according to the index. 

OP-World Index offers a good diversification method for anyone's investment portfolio. Thanks to their low fees and high expected return in the long term, index funds can well complement other investments in the portfolio of, say, a long-term saver or pension saver. OP-World Index is recommended primarily in a situation where redemption of units would occur after seven years at the earliest.

Read the portfolio manager's review on the fund's Finnish pages.

OP-World Index is a passive index fund that invests assets according to the MSCI World ESG Screened Index in large listed companies diversified on a global basis. This means that the fund’s investments are split between the countries and businesses of the benchmark index in the same proportion as in the index.

Since the fund aims to generate the same returns as the benchmark index, it only keeps a small portion in cash for the purposes of redemptions. In order to lower its trading needs arising from redemptions and subscriptions, the fund may to a limited extent use derivative instruments in portfolio management.

Since the fund’s assets are invested in large-cap stocks, its investments can be highly concentrated on certain sectors, such as finance and industry.

The fund’s trading costs are relatively low as changes to the portfolio are basically only made once a year in conjunction with index adjustments.

Read more about fund’s responsibility on the fund’s Finnish pages.                                                                  

Basic data, performance and fact figures

Basic data

Fund manager
OP Asset Management Ltd
Benchmark index
MSCI World Screened Index
Start date
fund serie
Income unit
Fund size
1958 Meur
Serie value (12.02.)
194,77 EUR
Monthly review
Key Information Document
Sustainability data

Accumulated profit (11.02)

1mth 3mth 6mth 1 y 3 y p.a. 5 y p.a.
OP-World Index B +3,80 % +4,89 % +19,49 % +24,52 % +13,86 % +12,57 %
Benchmark +3,83 % +4,99 % +19,71 % +24,92 % +14,12 % +12,85 %

Yearly performance

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD
OP-World Index B +4,90 % +31,70 % −13,13 % +19,96 % +27,51 % +3,55 %
Benchmark +5,63 % +31,93 % −13,29 % +20,16 % +28,02 % +3,60 %

Key figures

Volatility 12 m vola 12m Sharpe 12 m Duration
OP-World Index B 12,54 % - -
Benchmark index - - -

This is an advertisement. The funds are managed by OP Fund Management Company Ltd. The portfolio manager is the portfolio management company specified in the fund prospectus for OP funds. Investments always involve risks. The value of investments can rise and fall, and the investor may lose part of or all the invested funds. Past performance is no guarantee of potential future yield. The larger the fund’s expenses, the greater the impact on the expected return on the investment. Any yield also depends on taxation, which in turn varies depending on the investor’s personal circumstances and is subject to future changes. If the fund is marketed outside Finland, OP Fund Management Company Ltd may decide to end such marketing. The information presented on this page does not fully describe all the fund’s characteristics.

Before making an investment decision, take all the characteristics or objectives of the fund into consideration, as described in the fund prospectus for OP funds and other documents related to the fund. Only make your final investment decision after reading the fund prospectus for OP funds and the key investor information document and rules of the fund. These documents can be found on the web page of the respective fund. The fund prospectus and the summary of investors’ rights in mutual funds are available at op.fi in Finnish, Swedish and English.