Company’s investments


Can a company invest if its registered office is not in Finland?

Yes it can, but as of 31 October 2024, a company won't be able to make new investments or start using new investment services in our digital channels if the company and its representative don't have a permanent address in Finland. This is because OP is authorised to provide investment services in Finland.

Notify the Finnish Patent and Registration Office's Trade Register of your company's permanent address. Also notify us of it as we won't automatically receive your company's address details.

A person's status as living in Finland is determined by their permanent address registered in the Population Information System. The bank gets the person's address details automatically from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

If the company and its representative don't have a permanent address in Finland

The company can't

  • make new investments on OP-mobile or the service
  • start using new investment services on OP-mobile or the service.

However, the company can

  • keep its holdings. Its monthly fund investment plans will also remain effective and can be viewed on OP-mobile and the service.
  • sell any of its holdings. Please contact our Customer Service.
  • make new investments by visiting a branch
  • get investment advice by visiting a branch
  • manage its existing insurance assets on OP-mobile and the service.

Please contact our Customer Service if your company's address details are outdated.

Does your company have a permanent address abroad, or is the permanent address of the person in charge of your company's investments outside Finland?

Read more: Corporate investment while living permanently outside Finland


How can I track company savings and investments?

You can easily track your company’s savings and investments on OP's mobile apps and the service. Just make sure that you have sufficient access rights. 

To add access rights, please provide us with the minutes of the meeting where the decision was made. We will then add access rights to the persons concerned.

Read more about OP's mobile apps


How can I sell (redeem) fund units owned by my company?

You can sell fund units after logging into OP's mobile apps or

How to sell fund units in the service:

  1. Go to My funds.
  2. Select the fund.
  3. Select Sell.
  4. The assets redeemed from the fund will be transferred to your account within around three working days.

How to sell fund units on OP's mobile apps:

  1. Go to Investments.
  2. Select the fund.
  3. Select Sell.
  4. The assets redeemed from the fund will be transferred to your account within around three working days.

If units cannot be sold in this way, you can also sell them by calling OP Customer Service.


How can I invest company funds?

You can make and track investments easily via OP's mobile apps and the service. Just make sure that you have been granted sufficient access rights.

To invest in equities, your company needs to have a book-entry account, securities custody, bank account and the OP Savings and Investments Agreement. To sign the agreement, a limited liability company needs to provide board meeting minutes. If your company has not yet signed the OP Savings and Investments Agreement, please contact your nearest OP cooperative bank.

If your company plans investing in equities, ETFs, bonds or structured products, you also need an LEI code. You can order it on the Finnish Patent and Registration Office website.

Read how to get started with investing your company’s funds


How can I transfer my book-entry account to OP?

If you want to transfer a book-entry account from some other bank to OP, please contact us. Before any transfer, ask your current stockbroker to provide the purchase prices of your shares and give them to your OP cooperative bank. We will then update them into our system. Please note that during the transfer, trading in the securities in custody will be interrupted for five working days.

Contact us and transfer your book-entry account to OP


Where can I get help and support for investment decisions?

Our experts give you all the help you need to invest your company’s assets so you can focus on developing your business.

Book an appointment


What asset management services can my company get?

OP Private offers comprehensive asset management for businesses through Finland’s largest private banking network. Your company can get all services from OP Private – from asset management to banking and insurance services.

A personal asset manager can take care of your company’s assets comprehensively or provide expert assistance in making investment decisions.

Learn more about OP Private


Can a forest consortium start saving and investing?

No. A forest consortium cannot start saving and investing. 

When does a company need a currency account?

If your company engages in international business in a non-euro currency, it is advisable to open a currency account. You can direct incoming international currency-denominated payments to the account and pay even large currency amounts from it.

Companies should book an appointment with the bank to open a currency account. Contact your nearest OP cooperative bank branch to book an appointment. To do this, make a phone call or send a message through the website.

If you already are an OP cooperative bank customer, you can directly contact your own contact person.

As a corporate customer, what can I invest in?

You can invest in funds, equities, structured products, real estate, bonds, derivatives or insurance savings products. You can also enable Investment based cash management – a service that automatically allocates your company’s extra funds to investments to get better returns.

Read more about investment solutions for businesses:


Equity investment

Saving through insurance

Structured products

Real estate investment



Insurance savings products

Investment based cash management


How can I start equity trading on

If you want to start equity trading (stock trading), please leave us a contact request. We will contact you as soon as possible.

To start investing in equities, you need to have a book-entry account, OP's user ID, OP Savings and Investments Agreement and a bank account. You can trade in Finnish and foreign equities in the service.

Read more about equity investment and leave a contact request


How can I change my systematic investment plan?

You can easily make changes to your systematic investment plan in the service. You can edit the investment amount, due date, debit account and investment frequency. You can also pause systematic investing for a fixed term or terminate the systematic investment plan agreement.

Make changes to your systematic investment plan  

  1. Go to Systematic investing, then select the fund to which you want to make changes.
  2. Select Edit, and make your changes.


What is the impact of company savings and investments on taxation?

Please go to the website to find out more about the taxation of businesses and corporations.

How are dividends received by a company treated in taxation?

Please go to the website to find out more about the taxation of businesses and corporations.

What reports can I get on company savings and investments?

If the company has a book-entry account (custody), a statement of holdings is generated for the customer at least four times a year. The company (the corporate customer’s representative) can view the statement on the service under Securities custody, or receive it by post.

After each year end, companies with a book-entry account (custody) are created asset management reports of the status on 31 December. The company can view the report on the service under Securities custody, or receive it by post.

If the company has fund holdings, a Holdings report will be generated for the customer at least four times a year. The company (the corporate customer’s representative) can view the report on the service under Archive, or receive it by post.

The following reports will be generated for the company if it uses or has used the related services and has had reportable transactions in the past calendar year.

  • Statement of Holdings
  • Capital Income
  • List of Documents in Custody


Regarding funds, OP Fund Management Company delivers the following year-end reports of the status on 31 December:

  • Holdings
  • Capital Gains/Losses (1 Jan–31 Dec)
  • Profit Shares (1 Jan–31 Dec)


The Capital Gains/Losses and Profit Shares reports are generated if the customer has had reportable transactions.


How can I view saving and investing reports on

For company representatives to view reports on the service under Securities custody, they must have access rights to, or rights to obtain information from, the company’s custody. They must also have the right to monitor securities custody and equity orders, under the Corporate Agreement for Digital Transactions.

To view reports by OP Fund Management Company, the company representative must have the right to make fund orders, under the Corporate Agreement for Digital Transactions.


What reports can I get on company insurance assets?

Insurance statements from saving through insurance are sent to customers once a year, after the insurance policy anniversary. In January, the customer also receives the previous year’s insurance statements for the company’s endowment or unit-linked insurance policies and capital redemption contracts.

If the customer has enabled electronic insurance mail, they can see the yearly statements in the service, under Archive.

To view the documents related to saving through insurance, the company representative must have, under the Corporate Agreement for Digital Transactions, the rights to view and maintain voluntary pension insurance policies and unit-linked insurance policies and investment contracts.