OP Financial Group’s, OP Corporate Bank plc’s and OP Mortgage Bank’s financial calendar for 2024

OP Corporate Bank plc
OP Cooperative
OP Mortgage Bank
Stock exchange release
25 October 2023 at 08.45 EEST

OP Financial Group’s, OP Corporate Bank plc’s and OP Mortgage Bank’s financial calendar for 2024

OP Financial Group, OP Corporate Bank plc and OP Mortgage Bank will publish their financial reports in 2024 as follows:

Financial Statements Bulletin 1 January‒31 December 2023 7 February 2024
Report by the Board of Directors and Financial Statements 2023 Week 11, 2024
OP Financial Group’s Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report 2023 Week 11, 2024
OP Amalgamation Pillar III Tables 2023 Week 11, 2024
Interim Report 1 January–31 March 2024 8 May 2024
Half-year Financial Report 1 January–30 June 2024 24 July 2024
Interim Report 1 January–30 September 2024 31 October 2024

OP Financial Group’s and OP Corporate Bank plc’s financial statements bulletins, half-year financial reports and interim reports will be published in 2024 at approximately 9.00. They will be available on our website in Finnish, Swedish and English.

OP Mortgage Bank’s financial statements bulletin, half-year financial report and interim reports will be published at approximately 10.00. They will be available on our website in Finnish and English.

OP Financial Group publishes a Corporate Governance Statement, a Remuneration Report and Policy for Governing Bodies, and an Annual Review that supplements its Report by the Board of Directors and Financial Statements. The Annual Review also contains sustainability reporting based on GRI Standards.

OP Corporate Bank plc and OP Mortgage Bank publish their Corporate Governance Statements in connection with the Reports by the Board of Directors and Financial Statements.

OP Corporate Bank plc
OP Cooperative
OP Mortgage Bank

For more information:
Sanna Eriksson, tel. +358 10 252 2517
OP Financial Group’s Investor Relations, IR@op.fi

Media enquiries:
OP Financial Group’s Corporate Communications, tel. +358 10 252 8719, viestinta@op.fi

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OP Financial Group is Finland’s largest financial services group, with more than two million owner-customers and approximately 13,000 employees. We provide a comprehensive range of banking and insurance services for personal and corporate customers. OP Financial Group consists of OP cooperative banks, its central cooperative OP Cooperative, and the latter's subsidiaries and affiliates. Our mission is to promote the sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing of our owner-customers and operating region. Together with our owner-customers, we have been building Finnish society and a sustainable future for 120 years now. www.op.fi