Coronavirus shakes up stock exchanges – retail investors should remain calm

The coronavirus that has spread widely has shook up stock exchanges around the world. In Finland too, the virus has caused uncertainty to savers and investors. As a retail investor, you should stay calm and adhere to your investment plan.  If your investment horizon spans several years, it is good to remember that the market in the short term is characterised by ups and downs.

Note the time span and risk

  • If you have the objective of increasing your portfolio on a long-term basis spanning, for example, at least five years, the instability of this kind does not play a big role.
  • For investors who tolerate risk, drastic stock prices may also mean the opportunity to buy more mutual funds when the prices of many stocks go down.
  • If your risk tolerance is low, you can update your savings plan to be more conservative and switch to lower-risk products, such as saver’s funds or funds investing in residential property and forest.
  • Please also note that if you leave the market for a longer time, you can easily miss a new increase in prices.

Read more about our experts’ views in the articles (available in Finnish only).

Koronavirus koettelee osakemarkkinoita ympäri maailman – miten piensijoittajan pitäisi reagoida tilanteeseen?

OP Varainhoidon markkinakommetti: Viruspelko räjähti markkinoilla