Sijoittajan etukokonaisuus

The 1% ceiling for an owner-customer equity investment will continue

As an owner-customer, you will continue to invest in Finnish stocks at low cost with even a smaller amount – a 1% fee ceiling will be effective until the end of 2023. The benefit is valid when you trade in stocks on the book-entry account on Nasdaq Helsinki. The Stockholm and German stock exchanges will stop being involved in the benefit.

So, you as an owner-customer will pay a maximum of a 1% brokerage fee for transaction of Finnish shares. For example, you will pay only a brokerage fee of one euro for a 100-euro share transaction. The typical minimum fee charged for trading may become a significant cost if you trade with smaller amounts. For example, a minimum fee of 7 euros accounts for 7% of a 100-euro transaction. 

Thanks to the fee level, you can invest in stocks with even smaller amounts. Furthermore, the fee ceiling encourages you to diversify the equity portfolio in terms of time and several companies.

The benefit is valid when you use digital services.

Read more about investing in stocks