The service hours of the Telephone Service for Pohjola Insurance Claims Settlement will change as of 1 March 2024

The Telephone Service of Claims Settlement will be open on weekdays at 9–16 as of 1 March 2024.

The change applies to the claims settlement services of Pohjola Insurance’s Telephone Service numbers:

  • 0303 0303 insurance services and claims settlement
  • 0304 0506 insurance and claims settlement services for commercial transport
  • 0100 5335 insurance and claims settlement services for statutory insurance
  • Other product and service specific service numbers

Emergency services for vehicle, property and travel loss will continue serving 24/7 in acute cases of loss or damage.

At the same time, we will make changes to the selections of insurance and claims settlement services in service number 0303 0303 by reducing and simplifying the service selections and automating the language selection when we recognise which language the caller is speaking.