


OP Financial Group’s corporate governance practices cover most aspects of corporate responsibility management. The most important management approaches are laid down in OP Financial Group’s Corporate Governance principles. Our business is guided by good banking and insurance practices. We comply with all applicable laws, standards, and regulations, upholding the principles of honesty and fairness.
OP’s Risk Management and Compliance organisations also oversee risks and compliance related to corporate responsibility. These organisations operate independently of the business divisions. You can find detailed information about OP Financial Group’s governance in the 2021 Corporate Governance Statement.

Risk Management

A strong culture of risk management and compliance forms the basis of everything we do. Effective risk management involves identifying customer needs, meeting their expectations, pricing risk correctly and engaging in careful risk management. Our compliance operations aim to ensure that OP Financial Group retains the trust of customers, markets, supervisory authorities and stakeholders. We ensure regulatory compliance by managing compliance risks, providing our personnel with instructions and training, and giving our business divisions guidance on the right procedures. Find OP Financial Group's Risk management and control in OP Financial Group’s Year 2021 report (p. 41-42).

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

OP uses strong methods and technologies to protect data, digital infrastructure, and the personal data of customers and other stakeholders. OP continuously identifies and analyses risks and plans, and reports the related procedures in accordance with a Group-level data governance model in line with regulatory requirements. Data and AI capabilities are increasingly used in risk management and the detection of attempted fraud.



Supplier Code of Conduct

OP requires its partners to commit to Supplier Code of Conduct. Our goal is to increase the share of committed contract suppliers in OP's supply chains to 100% by 2025. OP's Supplier Code of Conduct includes compliance with laws, human rights and workers' rights, occupational safety and health, business ethics, environment, corporate social responsibility in the supply chain and supervision of compliance. Read more about Supplier's Code of Conduct here


Supplier criteria

OP has defined six supplier criteria which will be evaluated in competitive tendering and during long-term supplier cooperation. Supplier evaluation based on common criteria enables a transparent supplier selection process.  Read more about Supplier's criteria.