How does the economy work? online course

The How does the economy work? online course sheds light on how bread finds its way onto our table, how wealth is distributed in the world and how the big global problems come into existence and can be solved. This online course presents the experts’ most current view of the fundamentals of economics.

The online course is provided by Helsinki GSE and financed by the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. OP Financial Group is the course’s communication partner.

The course is open to all but is best suited to students in upper secondary education or older. You can attend the online course as of 14 October at

Why is gold more precious than water, even though water is more important? Where does money come from? Do we have to choose between the economy and stopping climate change? What is the advantage in having banks and the stock market?

The economy impacts everything around us and shapes our world. To change the world ourselves, we must understand how the economy works.

Why does OP Financial Group talk about financial literacy?

Swimming skills, reading skills and financial skills are all equally important. OP wants to support financial literacy in Finland, as we care about people’s financial wellbeing. We do it by providing new services for managing personal finances comprehensively and by actively carrying out financial literacy work.

We want to increase open discussion around money matters. We highlight even some delicate issues related to personal finances and encourage our customers to talk more about money. We want to make people financially smarter.