FAQs for job applicants

Is it worth applying for a job at OP Uusimaa, even if I don’t have previous experience of the financial sector?

Yes, because we don’t require previous experience of the financial sector. We’ll train you into a financial sector expert. First, we’ll provide an intensive orientation period. The scope and duration of orientation will depend on your knowledge of the financial sector when you join us. You will participate in the ‘Welcome to OP Uusimaa’ training course, after which your further orientation needs will be listed in discussion with your supervisor. Many of the basics are taught in our online courses. In addition to these, we provide personal development paths for employees working in daily banking services, financing services, saving and investment, and corporate services. 

How does OP Uusimaa develop its employee expertise? 

We heavily invest in the continuous development of our staff’s expertise. Many of the basics are taught in our online courses. In addition to these, we provide personal development paths for employees working in daily banking services, financing services, saving and investment, and corporate services.  The speed of your personal development will depend on you: we offer a host of opportunities. 

How does OP Uusimaa take care of employee wellbeing? 

Employees’ work ability and wellbeing are a key focus for us at OP Uusimaa. We maintain and strengthen our employees’ work ability, and ensure that they can cope at work. Employee wellbeing is based on meaningful work in line with our mission, and a clear vision, strategy and individual goals. We have encouraged our employees to take up our Wellbeing Challenge, based on each of us focusing on our overall wellbeing in areas such as nutrition, exercise, recovery and sleep. Our goal is to step up the building of our overall wellbeing culture throughout OP Uusimaa. For example, we’ve developed a closer understanding of recovery by offering employees a Firstbeat measurement and expert help in analysing the results. 

Occupational healthcare is our key partner in promoting work ability and employees’ health. Our occupational healthcare services are more extensive than the law requires, covering general practitioner level medical care. They are supplemented by employee benefits such as Comprehensive Health Insurance that covers specialist-level medical care. 

What kinds of benefits does OP Uusimaa offer employees?

Our employee benefits include a wide range of our own banking and insurance products and services, and health and insurance-related benefits. We also offer a number of wellbeing and leisure-time benefits, for activities such as sports and staff clubs. 

In addition, we use a long and short-term remuneration scheme to reward employees for work well done and joint successes. Our performance-based bonus is a major addition to the monthly salary. At the interview stage, we’ll be delighted to tell you more about what this might mean in the job you’re applying for.

I live outside Uusimaa. The thought of finding and moving into a new home feels challenging. If I get the job, will OP Uusimaa help me relocate to the Helsinki Metropolitan Area?

We will help you to find a new home. We’ve built a cooperation model for a range of accommodation solutions, alongside OP Koti Uusimaa and organisations in OP Financial Group. Our experts can guide you to a wide range of property rental and owner-occupier options. If you’d prefer to buy a home, we can also offer a range of benefits – for example, as our employee you could have a significantly better interest rate margin on your mortgage. We’ll be happy to provide further details during the interview stage.

We’ll also help you find a daycare place for your child or children. We’ve built a collaboration model with Touhula, which has a large network of daycare centres in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Uusimaa. The Touhula team will help your family to move smoothly to your new location. Click here for further details on Touhula’s early childhood education services and daycare centres.

Welcome to OP Uusimaa!