Change in MobilePay credit card payments on 4 May 2024

In future, a credit card connected to MobilePay can no longer be used to make payments between users.

Updated terms and conditions for the MobilePay application will enter into force on 4 May. The update will remove the option of making payments from one private user to another with a credit card or the credit feature of a combination card. From now on, a credit card can only be used in apps and stores. However, a debit card, or the debit feature of a combination card, can still be used to make payments between users.

MobilePay informed users of the change at the beginning of March. If the user does not accept the new terms and conditions, they must inform the company of this before the change takes effect. The agreement will then end. If the user does not react to the change, this will be interpreted as acceptance of the terms and conditions.

OP’s mobile payment services

OP provides a range of mobile payment options: the currently available mobile payment services include Siirto payment, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. For example, with Siirto payment all you need is the payee’s phone number. Any Siirto payments you make will be debited from your account.