
Time to transfer loans to OP?

Transfer your home loan and consumer loans to the responsible Finnish bank.

You will be able to understand and manage your finances more easily

By concentrating your loans with a single bank, you will be able to keep track of your finances more easily.

Flexibility for repayment

You’ll manage conveniently your loans on OP-mobile and the service. If you face a change in your life situation, you can apply for a change in your loans’ repayment plans.

We’ll take a comprehensive approach to your customer relationship with us

If you like, we’ll close your old services that you have in another bank. Along with your customer relationship with OP, you can also transfer savings and investment services as well as insurance policies to us.

Start by applying for a home loan

Start transferring your loans by filling in a home loan application online and sending it online. Once we have received your home loan application, we will contact you and book an appointment to discuss together. Along with the home loan, your consumer loans too can be transferred to OP.

Would you like to transfer only your consumer loans to OP?

You can transfer consumer loans to us that other banks or major financial institutions have granted to you. Start by filling in a loan application and we will contact you.

You can also apply for a secured consumer loan, or Bank Loan, with another bank’s user ID in the service.

Benefit from OP bonuses and discounts

When you join an OP Cooperative bank’s owner-customer through the transfer of your loans, you’ll get a variety of benefits. Your secured loans will bring you OP bonuses that can be used to pay, for example, loan servicing costs and daily banking services. Moreover, you’ll get considerable discounts on banking services and insurance policies as well as renewed benefits from investment.


Depending on the financing product, financing is granted by a OP cooperative bank, OP Retail Customers plc or OP Corporate Bank plc.​