Kolme näyttöä joissa graafi sekä ja OP-Maltillinen.

OP-Moderate B

Higher returns without major risks


In investment, risks and returns are linked. OP-Moderate takes the middle road in both. It offers a convenient solution for someone who is interested in returns but not in following the stock market closely.

  • OP-Moderate is suitable for a person seeking better returns for his/her money than those offered by deposits.
  • A balanced asset mix with stocks increasing the growth potential and fixed-income instruments offering protection.


Subscription fee Annual management fee Redemption fee
0,00 % 1,25 % 0,50 %

No subscription fee will be charged for fund subscriptions. Fund units generate OP bonuses.

OP-Moderate is one of the three fund alternatives OP suggests for passive investors. Unlike most individual funds or stocks, it offers the benefits of wide diversification also for a retail investor. As typical for balanced funds, OP-Moderate comprises both stocks generating returns during an upswing and fixed-income investments providing protection during a downswing. A portfolio management professional changes the fund's equity weighting for the fund investor. The investments are diversified broadly geographically as well as across advanced and emerging markets.

In selecting a fund, you have chosen the right one if its risks and returns seem suitable for your own situation. OP-Moderate suits investors seeking reasonable capital appreciation who can tolerate a slightly higher risk level in exchange for higher returns. In the case of OP-Moderate, the risk level is between those of fixed-income investments and equity investments. OP-Moderate is best suited to a passive investor who intends to redeem his/her units after 3 to 4 years at the earliest.

Read the portfolio manager's review on the fund's Finnish pages.

OP-Moderat är en blandfond som placerar sina tillgångar på den globala ränte- och aktiemarknaden. I utgångsläget placeras 50 % av fondens tillgångar på räntemarknaden och 50 % på aktiemarknaden. Ränteplaceringarnas andel kan variera mellan 30 och 70 % och aktieplaceringarnas andel mellan 30 och 70 %. Fonden placerar i regel via andra fonder. Fonden kan i sin placeringsverksamhet använda derivatinstrument för att säkra sig mot förändringar på marknaden, ersätta direkta placeringar samt i övrigt främja en effektiv portföljförvaltning. Mest används derivatinstrument för att hantera aktie- och ränterisken. Fondens placeringar sprids brett på aktier i olika företag och i obligationslån, eftersom de genomförs i huvudsak via fonder.

Fonden främjar miljö- och samhällsaspekter genom att använda analysmetoder som gäller miljö, samhälle och god förvaltningssed (ESG) och genom att utesluta vissa placeringsobjekt. Mer information om ESG-metoderna finns i fondprospektet. Principen orsaka inte betydande skada är endast tillämplig på de av den fondens underliggande investeringar som beaktar EU-kriterierna för miljömässigt hållbara ekonomiska verksamheter. Den återstående delen av denna fond har underliggande investeringar som inte beaktar EU-kriterierna för miljömässigt hållbara ekonomiska verksamheter.

Fondens jämförelseindex består av en kombination av flera index. Jämförelseindexets sammansättning framgår av fondprospektet. Fonden strävar med aktiv placering efter att på lång sikt nå en avkastning som är bättre än jämförelseindexet. Fonden tar i regel en avsevärt hög aktiv risk och kan avvika väsentligt från jämförelseindexets sammansättning, viktning och risknivå.

Read more about fund’s responsibility on the fund’s Finnish pages.

More details Basic data, performance and fact figures

Basic data

Fund manager
Ville Pekkala
Benchmark index
Composite benchmark, see the fund Prospectus for details.
Start date
fund serie
Income unit
Fund size
2474 Meur
Serie value (07.05.)
108,23 EUR
Monthly review
Key Information Document
Sustainability data

Accumulated profit (06.05)

1mth 3mth 6mth 1 y 3 y p.a. 5 y p.a.
OP-Moderate B −0,06 % −0,62 % +7,25 % +7,59 % +0,68 % +3,00 %
Benchmark +0,12 % +2,75 % +11,30 % +13,69 % +3,31 % +5,62 %

Yearly performance

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 YTD
OP-Moderate B +14,45 % +3,08 % +10,86 % −12,83 % +9,59 % +1,42 %
Benchmark +16,90 % +6,85 % +12,05 % −12,92 % +13,18 % +5,10 %

Key figures

Volatility 12 m vola 12m Sharpe 12 m Duration
OP-Moderate B 5,91 % - -
Benchmark index - - -

As our owner-customer, saving and investing is especially worthwhile thanks to the excellent benefits you receive.

Your benefits when investing in funds or through insurance:

  • Buy and sell almost all OP mutual funds with no fees.*
  • You earn 0.35% OP bonuses from mutual fund and insurance assets.** 
  • Begin saving through insurance free of charge. 
  • Switch between investments, invest additional funds and change your payment and investment plan for OP Unit-linked Insurance and OP Savings Agreement free of charge in our digital services.  

Your benefits in equity and ETF investing:

  • Open an equity savings account or book-entry account free of charge.
  • You get a discount on equity trading and a 1% fee ceiling when trading in Finnish listed companies through a book-entry account The discounts apply in digital services.
  • Get access to free stock picks and analysis.
  • Get a discount on the service packages for savers and investors:
    Equity savings account: 
    Saver: €0/month (normally €2.99/month)
    Investor: €9.99/month (normally €14.99/month)
    Book-entry account: 
    Saver: €0/month (normally €2.99/month)
    Investor: €0/month (normally €5.39/month)

Other benefits:

  • Only owner-customers can invest in Profit Shares.

Remember to make use of all benefits:

*Standard fees are charged for the following special common funds: OP-Public Services Real Estate, OP-Forest Owner, OP-Rental Yield, OP-Alternative Portfolio and OP-Private Equity.

**OP bonuses are automatically used to pay the bank’s service charges and insurance premiums. No OP bonuses are accrued from the R2 Crystal special common fund or institutional classes of funds. The following investment products linked to insurance assets do not accrue OP bonuses: JPM Russia A, JPM Emerging Europe Equity Fund, and BlackRock GF Emerging Europe Fund A. OP bonuses are accrued from unit-linked insurance policies, excluding Individual Unit-linked Insurance and Individual Capital Redemption Contracts.  

This is an advertisement. Remember that investment always involves risks. The value of investments can rise and fall, and an investor can lose part or all of the money they invest. OP funds are managed by OP Fund Management Company Ltd, with OP cooperative bank acting as its agent. Normal transaction costs are charged for the following special common funds: OP-Public Services Real Estate, OP-Forest Owner, OP-Rental Yield, OP-Alternative Portfolio and OP-Private Equity special common funds.