OP Uusimaa’s corporate responsibility

We are a responsible bank owned by customers and companies in the Uusimaa region. Together we develop, fund and safeguard the important things in life. We promote wellbeing and the prosperity of customers locally in multiple ways.

OP Uusimaa’s mission is to promote sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing. Our operations are based on our key values: a people-first approach, responsibility, and prospering together.

Tyttö ja puhelin

We provide young people with guidance on financial literacy through educational institutions and associations

We arrange coaching on financial literacy in educational institutions, associations and sports clubs around the year.

Each year, Financial Literacy Week is held by OP at the same time as Global Money Week. Run jointly by OP cooperative banks, Financial Literacy Week takes concrete actions to promote financial literacy among people. Community ambassadors from OP Uusimaa teach ninth graders in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area about personal money management.

Tyttö ja puhelin

Opastamme nuoria taloustaidoissa oppilaitoksissa ja yhdistyksissä

Järjestämme taloustaito valmennuksia oppilaitoksissa, yhdistyksissä ja urheiluseuroissa ympäri vuoden.

OP viettää jokavuotista Taloustaitoviikkoa maaliskuussa yhtä aikaa maailmanlaajuisen Global Money Weekin kanssa. Osuuspankkien yhteisen Taloustaitoviikon tavoitteena on edistää nuorten taloustaitoja konkreettisilla teoilla. OP Uusimaan yhteisölähettiläät opettavat Taloustaitoviikolla pääkaupunkiseudun yhdeksäsluokkalaisille oman talouden hallintaa.

Nainen ja puhelin

We arrange guidance for older people on using digital services

It’s important for us at OP Uusimaa that all customers find it easy to use digital services. That’s why we arrange free-of-charge Feel Confident Online events, providing older people with guidance on using smart devices and advising on how digital services can make daily life easier. At these events, we go through the use of OP-mobile and Mobile key together.

With our support, 520 young people find work in 200 associations in the ‘Summer jobs paid for by OP’ campaign

OP Uusimaa provides funding for the employment of 520 young people each year. Associations can apply for support during February. OP will choose which associations receive support and contact all applicant associations in March.

Backpack for every back – backpacks for children of families living on limited means

OP Uusimaa participates in the backpack collection by Hope ry, with the goal of donating a school backpack to every child of limited means who is starting school this year.

At OP Uusimaa, we feel that it is important to promote the wellbeing of children and young people – the importance of concrete actions is highlighted in difficult times. Together with HOPE ry, we aim to draw attention to the help needed by families with children and to encourage our customers to take action.

The first was organised in 2017 and thousands of backpacks were donated. In 2019, almost 3,000 first-graders around Finland received backpacks.

OP Uusimaan yhteistyötukien haku paikallisille yhdistyksille ja seuroille alkaa

OP Uusimaa tukee toimialueensa yhdistysten ja seurojen toimintaa avaamalla yhteistyötukien haun. Haku on auki 31.10-20.11.2022 välisen ajan. Yhteistyötuen saajien valinnoissa painotetaan omistaja-asiakkaiden valitsemia painopisteitä lokakuussa tehdyn kyselyn pohjalta.