Kuvassa näkyvän linja-auton vakuutukset kattavat erilaisia ajoneuvon kuljettamiseen liittyviä vahinkoja.

Insurance policies for a bus

Transport companies may encounter a number of risks, but we will help your company to find the best insurance solutions.

Ensure sufficient insurance cover for buses and any goods carried

We want to help your company to prepare for accidents with the right kind of precautions and insurance solutions. Buses and any fixed accessories are covered by motor vehicle insurance. In addition to this, you should take out a Commercial Transport Extra policy which also covers customer's luggage and other property carried.

Look after the health of entrepreneurs and employees

When operating in the bus business, you should be prepared for unforeseen eventualities to maintain the working capacity of both the entrepreneur and the employees. If accidents occur, the statutory workers' compensation insurance provides security to your employees, and our quick treatment chain makes it easier to return back to normal. As an entrepreneur you are not covered by statutory insurance obligation, but you can cover yourself with self-employed persons’ accident insurance.

You can take out a voluntary medical treatment expenses insurance policy, Health Insurance, alongside statutory accident insurance. Health Insurance ensures that you get quick treatment and return to work sooner rather than later, whether it concerns an accident or an illness. Getting Health Insurance is easy for Finnish Bus and Coach Association members, because you can have it without submitting a health declaration.

Make use of our financing solutions for new acquisitions

We want to support your business also by offering financing services. OP's comprehensive solutions for financing investments will include the right one for you to buy a new bus or anything else you may need. The commonest way to buy new buses is hire purchase financing. As an alternative we can offer leasing, which is a lighter alternative in terms of your company's balance sheet.

Yrityksen ajoneuvovakuutus autoille ja ajoneuvoille.
Motor vehicle insurance for businesses
Insurance for all your company cars and other vehicles
Mies ajaa taksia asiakas kyydissään tyytyväisenä siitä, että hänellä on taksivakuutus turvanaan.
Taxi insurance
Insurance for your taxi with the coverage you need.

If your company offers bus services also abroad, make sure that you have the necessary policies covering those countries.

Remember to get a Green Card and always have it with you.