
Frequently asked questions

Account access rights – How can I add or remove access rights to my account?

Account access rights – What kind of access rights can you add to a minor’s account? And how?

Account balance and interest certificates – How can I order one?

Account information services – How can I add or remove an authorisation for an account information service?

Account information services – How can I view my account information in a service outside OP?

Account information services – What does account information service mean?

Account name – How can I change an account name?

Account transaction limits – How do I change my account’s transaction limits? When paying a bill, I receive a notification about exceeding my account’s transaction limit.

Account view – How can I choose which accounts are shown and in what order?

Bank statements and receipts – How can I save or print out a bank statement/receipt?

BIC – What is my account’s BIC?

Closing an account – How do I close an unnecessary account?

Joint account — How do I open a joint account? How do I add another holder to my account?

Monthly charge of Current Account – In which situations is a Current Account free of monthly charges?

Opening an account – How do I open an account for my child? How about for my godchild or grandchild?

Opening an account – How do I open an account for myself?

Preauthorisations – What are they and how can I monitor them?

Opening an account for a child – In what situations is it not possible to open an account?

Transfers between accounts – How long does it take to transfer money between accounts?

What do I need to know about deposit guarantee?

Account access rights – How can I add or remove access rights to my account?

In most cases, you can change the access rights to the following accounts in the service: Current Account, Growth Return Account, Step-up Account, Special Purpose Account, Continuous High-yield Account and Fixed-term High-yield Account.

How to change the access rights to your account:

  1. Log into (in Finnish or Swedish) and go to account details.
  2. Select the account whose access rights you want to change.
  3. Scroll down to Omistus ja käyttöoikeudet (Ownership and access rights).
  4. Select either Lisää käyttöoikeus (Add an access right) or Poista käyttöoikeus (Remove an access right). To add an access right to a person, you need their name and personal ID code.

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) and go to account details

How to add an access right to a joint account

When adding an access right to an account that has several account holders, we need consent from all holders. If all holders have OP’s user IDs, each of them can send us a message via OP-mobile, chat or the service.

Each account holder must send us a message that specifies

  • the number of the account to which the access rights will be added
  • the name and personal ID code of the person to be added
  • the type of access right: 1. rights to obtain information or 2. extensive access rights and rights to obtain information.

If you give a person the rights to obtain information, they can obtain information of your account and can order a bank statement at OP branches and through digital services. The person does not have the right to access the money in the account.

If you give a person the extensive access rights and rights to obtain information, they can use your account and obtain information of your account at OP branches, through digital services and the telephone service. The person can withdraw money from your account and make credit transfers.

If the holder of access rights is not yet OP’s customer, they must visit an OP branch to prove their identity and activate the access rights.

Log into (in Finnish or Swedish) and send a message


Account access rights – What kind of access rights can you add to a minor’s account? And how?

The access rights of a minor’s account can be changed with the consent of all guardians. Consent can be granted with an online power of attorney or through a message on OP’s services. 


The guardians may jointly agree whether or not the minor has the right to use the funds in the account. If the guardians wish to add account access instruments for the minor, such as a card or an online services agreement, the minor must have account access rights. 


Meanwhile, there are several options for a guardian’s access rights to a minor’s account. If each guardian has the right to use the account independently, they can be given extensive access rights, which means that the guardians may use the account in their digital services and independently at the branch office. Another option is that the guardians have access rights to use the account independently at the branch office, but the account is not visible and cannot be used in the guardians’ digital services. 

If the guardians only wish to use the account by visiting a branch office together, they can be given the right to obtain information, which allows them to only use the account together at the branch office. In such a case, the guardians may choose whether or not the account is visible in their digital services.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you by phone on 0100 0500 (local/mobile network rate), in the chat or by message.

Account balance and interest certificates – How can I order one?

You may need a balance certificate for the distribution of an estate, pledging, or other cases where you must verify your wealth. Balance statements show:

  • The balance on the day in question
  • If the holder has died, the balance on the date of death
  • The balance on the date of distribution of the estate

An interest certificate for an account shows the deposit interest accrued, but not yet paid into the account, by a certain date. 

Please note that balance and interest certificates are subject to a charge. Use the service to check your account balance and interest, free of charge.

Ordering a balance and interest certificate is easy! Just send us an digital message. Give the number of the account and the date which the certificate should cover.

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) and send message

Account information services – How can I add or remove an authorisation for an account information service?

An authorisation for an account information service means that you authorise another person to use an account information service outside OP. The person can then retrieve your account information to the digital service of another bank, for example.

How to authorise someone:

  1. Log into (in Finnish or Swedish) and go to account details.
  2. Select the account.
  3. Scroll down to Valtuutus tilitietopalveluun (Authorisation for account information service).
  4. You can authorise a person if they have an access right to the account. If the person you want to authorise doesn’t yet have an access right, grant it to them by selecting Lisää käyttöoikeus (Add access right). To add an access right, you need the person’s name and personal ID code. Then, in the same view, you can add the authorisation for the person.
  5. If the person already has an access right to the account, you can just add the authorisation. Select Lisää valtuutus (Add authorisation).
  6. If you want to remove an existing authorisation, select Poista valtuutus (Remove authorisation).

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) and go to account details

Read more about external service providers

Account information services – How can I view my account information in a service outside OP?

An external account information service means that you want to view your OP account information in a service other than that of OP. The possibility to view account information in an external service depends on whether you are the account holder or have a right of access to the account.

If you are the account holder

As the account holder, you only need OP's user ID to start viewing your account information in account information services outside OP. You need the user ID to retrieve account information to the external service. In other words, the bank never transmits your account information to external services without your permission.

In practice, the external service will direct you to OP’s service for strong electronic identification by using your OP user ID. After you have given the authorisation, you will be able to view account information in the service.

If you have access right to the account

If you have an access right to the account, the account holder first needs to authorise you to use account information services outside OP. The account holder can authorise you in the service (login in Finnish or Swedish) by following the instructions under How can I add or remove an authorisation for an account information service?

After the account holder has authorised you, you can use your OP user ID to retrieve the account information to the external service.

Read more about external service providers

Read more about OP’s user ID types


Account information services – What does account information service mean?

Account information service compiles information on payment accounts and account transactions in a single location. Through this service, you can view information on all of your bank accounts with different banks in one and the same service. This enables you to have a better overall picture of your finances. Companies can offer account information services if they have the right to do so on the basis of the Act on Payment Institutions and the Payment Services Act.

OP’s account information service is called OP Multi-bank Service. If you have accounts with other banks, you can view their information on OP-mobile and the service via OP Multi-bank Service.

Read more about the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2)

Read more about OP Multi-bank Service


Account name – How can I change an account name?

You can rename an account to find it easily in account views.

  1. Log into OP-mobile
  2. Select the account you want to rename
  3. Go to the account settings and select Name the account


Account transaction limits – How do I change my account’s transaction limits? When paying a bill, I receive a notification about exceeding my account’s transaction limit.

When paying, say, a bill, you may receive notification of having exceeded your account’s transaction limits. This means that your account’s transaction limits are preventing payment of the bill. If this happens, change your account transaction limits, wait a moment and try to pay again.

You can change the transaction limits for your account on OP-mobile and in the service.

How to change your account’s transaction limits in the service:

  1. Log into (in Finnish or Swedish) and go to account details.
  2. Select the account whose transaction limits you want to change.
  3. Scroll down to Tilin käyttörajoitukset (Account transaction limits).
  4. Select Muokkaa tilin käyttörajoituksia (Edit account transaction limits).

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) and go to account details

How to change your account’s transaction limits on OP-mobile:

  1. Log into OP-mobile.
  2. Select the account whose transaction limits you want to change.
  3. Go to Account settings by tapping the gear icon.
  4. Select Edit transaction limits.

Further confirmation is required for changing the transaction limits

Changing your account’s transaction limits may require a further confirmation by using Mobile key or a key code and a further confirmation by SMS. The changes will take effect as soon as you have confirmed them.


It’s advisable to set spending and withdrawal limits for your card too. They protect your card in case of fraud or loss of the card.

Read instructions for changing the spending and withdrawal limits

Account view – How can I choose which accounts are shown and in what order?

You can choose which of your accounts are shown in Päivittäiset raha-asiat (Daily banking services) and in what order. Changing the order of your accounts will update Omat tilit (My Accounts), which shows all your accounts.

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) to edit the account view


Bank statements and receipts – How can I save or print out a bank statement/receipt?

Authorities often need receipts or bank statements for certain account transactions for the purposes of taxation, for example. You may also need to attach a bank statement to a Kela application.We have drawn up guidelines that you can use to easily save or print out bank statements or receipts on the service.

Go and read the guidelines

BIC – What is my account’s BIC?

OP cooperative banks’ BIC (or SWIFT) is OKOYFIHH, and it is the same for all OP accounts. If you need the BIC of a bank that is not an OP cooperative bank, you need to check it from the payee or the payee's bank.

Closing an account – How do I close an unnecessary account?

How to close your account, if you have an OP user ID

If you have OP’s user ID, in most cases, you can close your account by logging into (in Finnish or Swedish) or OP-mobile. In the service, you can close your Current Account, Money Box, Growth Return Account, Step-up Account, Special Purpose Account, Continuous High-yield Account or ASP Account. On OP-mobile, you can close your Current Account, Growth Return Account, Step-up Account, Special Purpose Account and Continuous High-yield Account.

You can’t close an account in the service or on OP-mobile if the account is your last one with OP, or it is a joint account. In these cases, read our more detailed instructions.

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) and close an account

Read more detailed instructions

How to use an ID issued by another bank to close your account

You can log into the service using another bank’s identifiers too and close your account via the service.

Log in (in Finnish or Swedish) and close an account

You can also contact us via the chat feature at (in Finnish). During the chat, you can use a user ID issued by another bank to verify your identity: in most cases, our customer service will be able to close your account during the chat, once you have verified your identity. 

If your account cannot be closed via chat, you can call our customer service.

Read more about closing an account

How to close your account if you do not have a user ID with any bank

If you would like to close an unnecessary account and you do not have a user ID with any bank, please contact our customer service by phone. Our customer service will advise you on how to close the account.

Go to customer service page

Joint account — How do I open a joint account? How do I add another holder to my account?

A Joint Bank Account is a current account dedicated to paying your household expenses. Keeping up with family finances is easy with an account for the purpose.

Read more about the Joint Bank Account and opening it

Adding another account holder

Sending a message is the handiest way of adding another holder to an existing account. Please provide the following information in your message:

  • the account number
  • name and personal identity code of the account holder to be added
  • confirmation that both parties can use the account separately

Use the text below as a model for your message. Feel free to copy the text and add the missing information:

Please include (name and personal ID code) as a joint holder of my account (account number). Both of us will use the account separately.

Send message

We will add the other holder to your account when they provide their signature on the account agreement. 

If the other holder is already a customer of the same OP cooperative bank as you, we will send them an account agreement to sign via OP’s Electronic Signature Service. Otherwise, they must visit a bank branch to sign the account agreement. They can use the service to book an appointment.

Book an appointment

Monthly charge of Current Account – In which situations is a Current Account free of monthly charges?

The Current Account is subject to a monthly charge that is based on our list of charges and fees valid at the time.

The Current Account is free of monthly charges

  • for OP cooperative bank owner-customers
  • for customers aged under 26
  • if the account has been pledged
  • if the account belongs to a death estate

As an owner-customer, you get a Current Account free of monthly charges if the account and owner-customer membership are with the same OP cooperative bank. If the Current Account has more than one account holder, it will only be free of monthly charges if all account holders are owner-customers of the OP cooperative bank holding the account.  

Please note that each OP cooperative bank can have owner-customers. You can check whether you're an owner-customer by logging into OP-mobile or the service.  


Opening an account – How do I open an account for my child? How about for my godchild or grandchild?

The most convenient way of opening a current account for your child is by logging into the service. To open an account for your godchild or grandchild, please contact our Customer Service.

Read more about children’s current account and opening it

Opening an account – How do I open an account for myself?

If you have a banking customer relationship with OP, you can open a new account for yourself on the service if you are aged 18 or over, have a permanent address in Finland and have OP’s user ID for digital services. You can also open some of our accounts via OP-mobile.

Learn more about our account range and open an account

Log in and open an account for yourself on the service


If you can’t open an account on OP’s digital services, you can contact our Customer Service.

You can also book an appointment at a branch.

Go to the customer service page

Preauthorisations – What are they and how can I monitor them?

Preauthorisations ensure that your account has enough money for paying your purchases. When you use your card, the seller places the purchase amount on hold until the actual payment. The preauthorisation ends when the payment is made. 

Although a preauthorisation is not a payment transaction, you cannot use money put on hold. 

For preauthorisation details, click on ‘Preauthorisation’ on OP-mobile or the service.

  • You can view debits in your account transactions.
  • Credit transaction details are shown in your credit card transactions.

Opening an account for a child – In what situations is it not possible to open an account?

You can only open an account after the child’s name has been registered in the Population Information System.

In addition, you need to have OP's user ID to fill in the application on

However, it is not possible to open an account on the if

  • the other guardian does not have online bank user identifiers at any Finnish bank
  • a district court has issued a decision on the child’s guardianship.

In these cases, you can open an account for the child by booking an appointment at your bank branch.

Book an appointment

Transfers between accounts – How long does it take to transfer money between accounts?

Siirto payments and transfers between OP accounts are instant. Most inter-bank SEPA payments arrive on the same banking day if the payment is made on a weekday before 14.00. International payment instructions normally take 2–6 weekdays; an urgent international payment instruction takes 1–2 days less.

Read more about our service hours for payments

What do I need to know about deposit guarantee?

Deposit guarantee protects a depositor's funds on an account if the deposit bank becomes insolvent. If a deposit bank is declared bankrupt or is in permanent default, the Financial Stability Authority pays compensation to the bank’s depositors from the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

The deposit guarantee scheme covers all private individuals, regardless of the depositor's domicile or nationality. Depositors can also include death estates, companies regardless of their legal form or size, registered associations and foundations.

While deposits by companies and associations are mainly covered by the scheme, a private trader or self-employed person does not have an independent deposit guarantee for their business-related deposits. This means that when calculating the deposit guarantee compensation, the self-employed person's private and business deposits are treated as one depositor's deposits. More information on deposit guarantee is available at

Deposits with OP Financial Group are covered by the Finnish deposit guarantee scheme up to 100,000 euros. OP Financial Group member cooperative banks are considered a single bank in respect of the deposit guarantee.

Read more about deposit guarantee on the Financial Stability Authority website